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C# 通过代码安装、卸载、启动、停止服务 - .NET(C#) - 清泛IT论坛,有思想、有深度
...gion Windows服务控制区
#region 安装服务
private void InstallService(string filepath, string serviceName)
MIT官方已升级至2.71版本,几乎就是仅增加一个全新主题 - App Inventor 2 ...
...se which includes bugfixes and improvements. It includes a new Android MIT AI2 Companion versions 2.71 (from Google Play) and 2.71u (directly downloaded from MIT App Inventor).
New user interface. Go to Settings > User Interface Settings > Neo to try it out
ChatBot component a...
App Inventor 2 本地项目编译工具:本地高速编译,无冷却时间限制 · App I...
... 教育 入门必读 中文教程 IoT专题 AI2拓展 ChatGPT接入 Aia Store 开通VIP 搜索 App Inventor 2 本地项目编译工具:本...
What is the best Battleship AI?
Here is my entry! (The most naive solution possible)
"Random 1.1"
namespace Battleship
using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Drawing;
public class RandomOpponent : IBattleshipOpponent
public s...
MySQL主从服务器数据一致性的核对与修复 - 数据库(内核) - 清泛网 - 专注C/...
Why do we check up to the square root of a prime number to determine if it is prime?
...es this might be useful, but this all heavily depends on implementation details (programming language, hardware, data types, libraries), none of which are known in this general consideration.
– Sven Marnach
Aug 3 at 9:38
VS2012警告未能加载包“Visual C++ package” - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术
VS2012警告未能加载包“Visual C++ package”安装了windows更新后就出现VS2012无法打开项目的问题,还报各种加载失败。解决方法:到微软官网下载VS2012更新KB2781514,大概1.12MB链接地...安装了windows更新后就出现VS2012无法打开项目的问题...
NSIS内置路径命令详解 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术
NSIS内置路径命令详解本文收集了nsis打包所需要用到的安装包安装路径命令,为读者解释常用命令的含义,适合nsis初学者学习使用。$INSTDIR=默认安装路径 !
$PROGRAMFILES=C:\Program Files!
【解决】bufferevent_openssl.c:228:19: error: storage size of \'methods...
...: error: storage size of 'methods_bufferevent' isn't knownxunsearch 升级 安装的时候报 libevent 编译错误:bufferevent_openssl c:228:19: error: storage size of & 39;methods_bufferevent& 39; isn& 39;t knownstatic BIO_ xunsearch 升级/安装的时候报 libevent 编译错误:
Linux 搭建NTP时间同步服务器 - 操作系统(内核) - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术
1、检查系统是否安装了NTP服务,如果提示未安装请在linux ISO镜像光盘目录下packages找到此安装包或者访问 http://rpmfind.net/ 网址查找NTP安装包。