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Possibility of duplicate Mongo ObjectId's being generated in two different collections?

...some nicer properties for storage in a database such as roughly increasing order and encoding their creation time for free. The key thing for your use case is that they are designed to guarantee uniqueness to a high probability even if they are generated on different machines. Now if you were refer...

How to send multiple data fields via Ajax? [closed]

...ttp://api.jquery.com/jquery.ajax/ $.ajax({ method: "POST", url: "some.php", data: { name: "John", location: "Boston" } }) .done(function( msg ) { alert( "Data Saved: " + msg ); }); share | ...

Get URL query string parameters

...RY_STRING'] contains the data that you are looking for. DOCUMENTATION php.net: $_SERVER - Manual share | improve this answer | follow | ...

Weird PHP error: 'Can't use function return value in write context'

... I realize I'm super late to this, but it's also PHP version dependent, right? I'm pretty sure that's legal in later PHP versions like 5.6, but I think it doesn't in 5.3 – UnsettlingTrend Dec 8 '16 at 16:14 ...

How can I get the MAC and the IP address of a connected client in PHP?

...ow the MAC and the IP address of the connect clients, how can I do this in PHP? 16 Answers ...

php stdClass to array

...aster than iterating through the objects recursively - most likely because PHP is slow at calling functions). "But I already did this" you say. Not exactly - you used json_decode on the array, but you need to encode it with json_encode first. Requirements The json_encode and json_decode methods. T...

How to use php serialize() and unserialize()

... A PHP array or object or other complex data structure cannot be transported or stored or otherwise used outside of a running PHP script. If you want to persist such a complex data structure beyond a single run of a script, you ...

浅谈APM在电子交易系统中的应用 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...)的监测,迅速定位系统故障,如发生Oracle数据库死锁等问题。 优化系统性能:精确分析系统各个组件占用系统资源情况,中间件、数据库执行效率,根据应用系统性能要求提出专家建议,保证应用在整个寿命周期内使用的系...

PHP: exceptions vs errors?

Maybe I'm missing it somewhere in the PHP manual, but what exactly is the difference between an error and an exception? The only difference that I can see is that errors and exceptions are handled differently. But what causes an exception and what causes an error? ...

Simplest two-way encryption using PHP

What is the simplest way of doing two way encryption in common PHP installs? 6 Answers ...