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How to make a node.js application run permanently?

...he ssh session if you run it this way (unless you are using something like screen to tmux). – Haozhun Mar 25 '13 at 14:55 1 ...

android: stretch image in imageview to fit screen

...has the same values set. So I suppose this should set my images to fit the screen. But it only fits like 80% (margin top and bottom in landscape mode). ...

Assign output of os.system to a variable and prevent it from being displayed on the screen [duplicat

...un using os.system to a variable and prevent it from being output to the screen. But, in the below code ,the output is sent to the screen and the value printed for var is 0, which I guess signifies whether the command ran successfully or not. Is there any way to assign the command output to the ...

Screenshot Apps for iPhone simulator [closed]

I was wondering if there are any good recommendations on apps that takes screenshots of the iPhone simulator. I've tried apps like iPhone screenshot cropper but I'm looking for something that will allow me to make larger images. For example large enough to put on a poster. Any suggestions? ...

Clear terminal in Python [duplicate]

...oes any standard "comes with batteries" method exist to clear the terminal screen from a Python script, or do I have to go curses (the libraries, not the words)? ...

Simple Vim commands you wish you'd known earlier [closed]

... bookmark to delete) delete all bookmarks :delm! split screen horizontally :split split screen vertically :vsplit navigating split screens CTRL + w + j = move down a screen CTRL + w + k = mov...

Linux Shell中 if else及大于、小于、等于逻辑表达式写法 - C/C++ - 清泛网...

...   文件大小非0时为真 -t file    当文件描述符(默认为1)指定的设备为终端时为真 含条件选择的shell脚本 对于不含变量的任务简单shell脚本一般能胜任。但在执行一些决策任务时,就需要包含if/then的条件判断了。shell脚...

MFC MDI切换menu原理 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...第二个来源是 CDocument::GetDefaultMenu(),这也是虚拟。它的默认实现将返回 NULL。可以重写此函数允许程序以选择要显示的菜单。 手动更改菜单是通过调用 OnUpdateFrameMenu() 和 DrawMenuBar()。要设置到窗口中的新建菜单上,则必须调用 C...

NSIS内置路径命令详解 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...解释常用命令的含义,适合nsis初学者学习使用。$INSTDIR=默认安装路径 ! $PROGRAMFILES=C:\Program Files! $TEMP=临时文件夹! $DESKTOP=桌面! $SYSDIR=C:\WINDOWS\system32! $EXEDIR=我的文档! $WINDIR=C:\WINDOWS! $STARTMENU=相对应用户名称的「开...

c++ 写日志通用类,可设置日志级别 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...| nLevel < LEVEL_FATAL) { LOG_WARN(_T("设置日志级别:%d 失败,默认INFO级别!"), nLevel); return; } nLoggerLevel = nLevel; LOG_INFO(_T("设置日志级别:%s 成功!"), LOGGER_LEVEL_NAME[nLevel]); } void Log(INT nLevel, LPCSTR func, INT line, LPCTSTR fmt, ...) { if...