大约有 36,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0317秒) [XML]
低效程序员的7个坏习惯 - 创意 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术
遗憾的是,似乎很多软件工程师都持有这种态度,这也是为什么企业要寻求能够移情和了解他人问题的代码战士。 “雇主正在竭力寻找那些拥有...
Linux日志切分工具:Logrotate - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术
窝窝与众美联合并 新公司命名“众美窝窝” - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术
看点二 并购而非入股 做大想象空间
to drawRect or not to drawRect (when should one use drawRect/Core Graphics vs subviews/images and wh
...oing slow. It's a rich drawing API, which requires its work be done on the CPU, as opposed to a lot of UIKit work that is offloaded to the GPU. If you had to animate a ball moving across the screen, it would be a terrible idea to call setNeedsDisplay on a view 60 times per second. So, if you have su...
Windows batch: formatted date into variable
@echo off
del /q /f %temp%\timestampfile_*
Logman.exe stop ts-CPU 1>nul 2>&1
Logman.exe delete ts-CPU 1>nul 2>&1
Logman.exe create counter ts-CPU -sc 2 -v mmddhhmm -max 250 -c "\Processor(_Total)\%% Processor Time" -o %temp%\timestampfile_ >nul
Logman.exe start ...
How many concurrent requests does a single Flask process receive?
...ory with other processes. Gunicorn is here only to utilize multiprocessing CPU architectures but not handles those issues.
– adkl
Jun 25 '19 at 9:57
Parallelize Bash script with maximum number of processes
... want to do xargs also can help (here: converting documents with pdf2ps):
cpus=$( ls -d /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu[[:digit:]]* | wc -w )
find . -name \*.pdf | xargs --max-args=1 --max-procs=$cpus pdf2ps
From the docs:
-P max-procs
Run up to max-procs processes at ...
思维导图在快速阅读或是其它学习工作中的作用 - 创意 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++...
Node.js and CPU intensive requests
... larger you just make the main server a node cluster and reverse proxy the CPU intensive tasks to other servers built for milti-threaded processing.
– Evan Plaice
Jan 24 '12 at 21:53
FixedThreadPool vs CachedThreadPool: the lesser of two evils
...e of choice? How Java maps threads to OS threads, how that maps threads to CPU threads etc.? I'm asking because creating 150 threads within in ONE JRE only makes sense if you have massive CPU cores/threads underneath, which most likely is not the case. Depending on the OS and RAM in use, creating mo...