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read subprocess stdout line by line

My python script uses subprocess to call a linux utility that is very noisy. I want to store all of the output to a log file and show some of it to the user. I thought the following would work, but the output doesn't show up in my application until the utility has produced a significant amount of ...

JavaScript function similar to Python range()

Is there a function in JavaScript similar to Python's range() ? 23 Answers 23 ...

How do I remove packages installed with Python's easy_install?

Python's easy_install makes installing new packages extremely convenient. However, as far as I can tell, it doesn't implement the other common features of a dependency manager - listing and removing installed packages. ...

error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat

I tried to install the Python package dulwich : 42 Answers 42 ...

Setting Django up to use MySQL

I want to move away from PHP a little and learn Python. In order to do web development with Python I'll need a framework to help with templating and other things. ...

Installing Numpy on 64bit Windows 7 with Python 2.7.3 [closed]

...ndows installer for Numpy is for Numpy version 1.3.0 which only works with Python 2.6 6 Answers ...

Compile (but do not run) a Python script [duplicate]

How do I compile a Python script without running it? I just want to check the script for syntax errors. I was hoping for a simple command line switch, but I didn't see anything in python --help . I'd like an answer for both Python 2 and Python 3. ...

What does pythonic mean? [closed]

On many websites I often see comments that code isn't pythonic, or that there is a more pythonic way to achieve the same goal. ...

python MySQLdb模块安装 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注IT技能提升

python MySQLdb模块安装python-MySQLdb-installMySQLdb是python操作mysql数据库的一个库.mysql的几乎所有的操作都可以实现,在python2系列使用Mysqldb,在python3系列使用pymysql和mysql connect。安装步骤如下:1 pip方式安 MySQLdb是python操作mysql数据库...

python MySQLdb模块安装 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注IT技能提升

python MySQLdb模块安装python-MySQLdb-installMySQLdb是python操作mysql数据库的一个库.mysql的几乎所有的操作都可以实现,在python2系列使用Mysqldb,在python3系列使用pymysql和mysql connect。安装步骤如下:1 pip方式安 MySQLdb是python操作mysql数据库...