大约有 46,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0256秒) [XML]
How do I discover memory usage of my application in Android?
How can I find the memory used on my Android application, programmatically?
9 Answers
How do I view the SQLite database on an Android device? [duplicate]
... even on devices that are not rooted.
Connect your device and launch the application in debug mode.
You may want to use adb -d shell "run-as com.yourpackge.name ls /data/data/com.yourpackge.name/databases/" to see what the database filename is.
Notice: com.yourpackge.name is your application pac...
How to create an android app using HTML 5
Can we create android applications using HTML5?
6 Answers
Debugging sqlite database on the device
I am presently working on an WiFi application for Android. I am having trouble trying to access the database on the device. Debugging in the emulator doesn't work for me, because there is no WiFi support in the emulator. I tried pulling the database file out of the device by using
App Inventor 2 上传文件到服务器的方案全总结 - App Inventor 2 中文网 - ...
from flask_restful import Api, Resource
from flask import Flask, request
app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)
# 这边的类名是自己定义的
class receive_pic(Resource):
    def put(self):
What's the difference between “bundle display name” and “bundle name” in cocoa application's info pl
...layed: below icon. According to docs, should be localized, but only if the app itself is localized, otherwise there will be some kind of penalty (if this is true in reality I cannot say)
CFBundleName - displayed: I have no idea. Docs suggest that it will be used in lists thus recommended max 16 char...
FAQ Section: SMS - Frequently Asked Questions - MIT App Inventor Community
... background-color: #ffffff;
#d-splash .preloader-text-wrapper {
color: #222222;
/* then deal with dark scheme */
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
html {
background-color: #ffffff;
#d-splash .preloader-text-wrapper {
How to delete all datastore in Google App Engine?
Does anyone know how to delete all datastore in Google App Engine ?
28 Answers
How to use Sphinx's autodoc to document a class's __init__(self) method?
...cumented, you can use autodoc-skip-member in conf.py. Like this:
def skip(app, what, name, obj, would_skip, options):
if name == "__init__":
return False
return would_skip
def setup(app):
app.connect("autodoc-skip-member", skip)
This explicitly defines __init__ not to be skip...
Trying to start a service on boot on Android
...ndroid:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" />
In your <application> element (be sure to use a fully-qualified [or relative] class name for your BroadcastReceiver):
<receiver android:name="com.example.MyBroadcastReceiver">