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What is the best practice for “Copy Local” and with project references?

...=================== GetCopyToOutputDirectoryItems Get all project items that may need to be transferred to the output directory. ============================================================ --> <Target Name="GetCopyToOutputDirectoryItems" Outputs="@(AllItemsFullPat...

How can I transform between the two styles of public key format, one “BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY”, the oth

...s of two numbers: the modulus (e.g. a 2,048 bit number) the exponent (usually 65,537) Using your RSA public key as an example, the two numbers are: Modulus: 297,056,429,939,040,947,991,047,334,197,581,225,628,107,021,573,849,359,042,679,698,093,131,908,015,712,695,688,944,173,317,630,555,849,7...

Sibling package imports

...ks well for private scripts, but there has been several improvements Installing the package (in a virtualenv or not) will give you what you want, though I would suggest using pip to do it rather than using setuptools directly (and using setup.cfg to store the metadata) Using the -m flag and runnin...

Proper way to return JSON using node or Express

...n do this by changing the options instead. 'json replacer' JSON replacer callback, null by default 'json spaces' JSON response spaces for formatting, defaults to 2 in development, 0 in production Not actually recommended to set to 40 app.set('json spaces', 40); Then you could just respond with so...

Multiple linear regression in Python

...as some other model evaluation criteria. If you want the stuff like in Akavall's answer, statsmodels has some more R-like diagnostics. – djs Mar 17 '16 at 18:56 ...

What is the effect of extern “C” in C++?

...very compiler is required to provide "C" linkage A linkage specification shall occur only in namespace scope All function types, function names and variable names have a language linkage See Richard's Comment: Only function names and variable names with external linkage have a language linkage Two ...

How do you debug PHP scripts? [closed]

...r_dump and print at various points to see where your flow goes wrong. When all else fails though and all I have is SSH and vim I still var_dump()/die() to find where the code goes south. share ...

How to create a video from images with FFmpeg?

...pix_fmt yuv420p out.ogg Your images should of course be sorted alphabetically, typically as: 0001-first-thing.jpg 0002-second-thing.jpg 0003-and-third.jpg and so on. I would also first ensure that all images to be used have the same aspect ratio, possibly by cropping them with imagemagick or n...

Getting number of elements in an iterator in Python

...ve an answer, this answer avoids instantiation of a list, and it is empirically faster by a constant than the reduce method listed above. – Phillip Nordwall Aug 2 '12 at 15:27 5 ...

Will the base class constructor be automatically called?

... age of customer be 2? It seems like the base class's constructor will be called no matter what. If so, why do we need to call base at the end sometimes? ...