大约有 33,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0315秒) [XML]
Library? Static? Dynamic? Or Framework? Project inside another project
I have an existing iOS app and want to add a large chunk of code that I've been developing as another project just for ease of testing. The new chunk basically deals with saving an image to various sharing services, etc.. Because that sharing code needs a lot of testing and future updating, I was wo...
What text editor is available in Heroku bash shell? [closed]
I'm trying to update httpd.conf in my Cedar-based Heroku app. I got to my Heroku bash with
15 Answers
How to read an external local JSON file in JavaScript?
...s validation: jsonlint.com because it is really JavaScript. Dropping the wrapping single quotes would turn it into pure JavaScript.
– Jason Aller
Jun 24 '14 at 5:18
Store pictures as files or in the database for a web app?
...will be able to serve the pictures as static files.
No database access or application code will be required to fetch the pictures.
The images could be served from a different server to improve performance.
It will reduce database bottleneck.
The database ultimately stores its data on the file syste...
Android Studio - local path doesn't exist
... classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:0.9.0'
2.In gradle-wrapper.properties make sure to use gradle 1.11
#Wed Apr 10 15:27:10 PDT 2013
Will HTML5 allow web apps to make peer-to-peer HTTP connections?
Is it possible to create a web app that, with the help of a central server, could create direct connections with other users of the same web app? I'm imagining a process similar to UDP hole punching.
Permission is only granted to system app
I have a System app that uses system permissions and I have those permissions listed in the manifest. Eclipse gives the following error when I try to make a build(command line build works):
How do I keep the screen on in my App? [duplicate]
For my Android app I never want the phone to lock or the back light to turn off
11 Answers
Prevent screen rotation on Android
Please note this is just hiding a bug in your app, making it less likely for users to trip over it. But they still will. Any configuration change can cause your activity to restart. You really need to write your activity correctly to deal with the async task as it res...
How to use my view helpers in my ActionMailer views?
I want to use the methods I defined in app/helpers/annotations_helper.rb in my ReportMailer views ( app/views/report_mailer/usage_report.text.html.erb ). How do I do this?