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When to use Common Table Expression (CTE)

I have begun reading about Common Table Expression and cannot think of a use case where I would need to use them. They would seem to be redundant as the same can be done with derived tables. Is there something I am missing or not understanding well? Can someone give me a simple example of limitati...

How to export all data from table to an insertable sql format?

I have a Table (call it A_table ) in a database (call it A_db ) in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, and there are 10 rows. ...

ORA-30926: unable to get a stable set of rows in the source tables

...uplicates in the query specified in USING clause. This probably means that TABLE_A is a parent table and the same ROWID is returned several times. You could quickly solve the problem by using a DISTINCT in your query (in fact, if 'Y' is a constant value you don't even need to put it in the query). ...

What is the difference between “INNER JOIN” and “OUTER JOIN”?

... the outer parts of a Venn diagram union. Examples Suppose you have two tables, with a single column each, and data as follows: A B - - 1 3 2 4 3 5 4 6 Note that (1,2) are unique to A, (3,4) are common, and (5,6) are unique to B. Inner join An inner join using either of the...

Referring to a table in LaTeX [closed]

How can you refer to a table number such that you get Table 7 for instance? 1 Answer ...

HTML table with fixed headers?

Is there a cross-browser CSS/JavaScript technique to display a long HTML table such that the column headers stay fixed on-screen and do not scroll with the table body. Think of the "freeze panes" effect in Microsoft Excel. ...

MySQL Conditional Insert

... If your DBMS does not impose limitations on which table you select from when you execute an insert, try: INSERT INTO x_table(instance, user, item) SELECT 919191, 123, 456 FROM dual WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM x_table WHE...

Difference between one-to-many and many-to-one relationship

... From this page about Database Terminology Most relations between tables are one-to-many. Example: One area can be the habitat of many readers. One reader can have many subscriptions. One newspaper can have many subscriptions. A Many to One relation is the same as o...

Multiple select statements in Single query

... SELECT ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user_table ) AS tot_user, ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cat_table ) AS tot_cat, ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM course_table ) AS tot_course share ...

Adding a new SQL column with a default value

... Try this: ALTER TABLE table1 ADD COLUMN foo INT DEFAULT 0; From the documentation that you linked to: ALTER [ONLINE | OFFLINE] [IGNORE] TABLE tbl_name alter_specification [, alter_specification] ... alter_specification: ... ...