大约有 15,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0200秒) [XML]


How to terminate the script in JavaScript?

...opagation(); // e.preventDefault(); // Stop for the form controls, etc., too? } for (i=0; i < handlers.length; i++) { window.addEventListener(handlers[i], function (e) {stopPropagation(e);}, true); } if (window.stop) { window.stop(); } throw ''; }...

MySQL, Check if a column exists in a table with SQL

...ve to wrap the whole thing in a procedure which allows statements like IF, etc. See stackoverflow.com/questions/7384711/… for an example of how to wrap a procedure around the test for the column and the conditional DML statement. – Christopher Schultz Jul 23 ...

How do I check if a string contains a specific word?

... === is best option (in my opinion) all aspect considered (speed, accuracy etc). – Melsi Dec 15 '12 at 12:28 10 ...

PHP: How to handle

...SPrefix:someElement />), the position of the child element in the text, etc. LIBXML_NOCDATA converts CDATA nodes into text nodes, but doesn't fix the rest. – IMSoP Feb 7 '15 at 15:54 ...

Do htmlspecialchars and mysql_real_escape_string keep my PHP code safe from injection?

...a set of functions to check that inputs are integers, floats, alphanumeric etc. But when it comes to SQL, heed most the value of the prepared statement. The above code would have been secure if it was a prepared statement as the database functions would have known that 1 OR 1=1 is not a valid lite...

Mechanisms for tracking DB schema changes [closed]

...le script, update.php, and a number of files numbered 1.sql, 2.sql, 3.sql, etc. The script uses one extra table to store the current version number of the database. The N.sql files are crafted by hand, to go from version (N-1) to version N of the database. They can be used to add tables, add column...

How can I implode an array while skipping empty array items?

... To remove null, false, empty string but preserve 0, etc. use func. 'strlen' $arr = [null, false, "", 0, "0", "1", "2", "false"]; print_r(array_filter($arr, 'strlen')); will output: //Array ( [3] => 0 [4] => 0 [5] => 1 [6] => 2 [7] => false ) ...

Strtotime() doesn't work with dd/mm/YYYY format

... haven't found a better solution. You can use explode(), preg_match_all(), etc. I have a static helper function like this class Date { public static function ausStrToTime($str) { $dateTokens = explode('/', $str); return strtotime($dateTokens[1] . '/' . $dateTokens[0] . '/' . $...

Can PHP PDO Statements accept the table or column name as parameter?

...(e.g. array('u'=>'users', 't'=>'table', 'n'=>'nonsensitive_data') etc.) – Kzqai Dec 22 '11 at 18:05 ...

“Keep Me Logged In” - the best approach

... hash_hmac('sha256', $cookie, SECRET_KEY); $cookie .= ':' . $mac; setcookie('rememberme', $cookie); } Then, to validate: function rememberMe() { $cookie = isset($_COOKIE['rememberme']) ? $_COOKIE['rememberme'] : ''; if ($cookie) { list ($user, $token, $mac) = explode(':', ...