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What is the list of supported languages/locales on Android?

... [Arabic (World)] ar_AE [Arabic (United Arab Emirates)] ar_BH [Arabic (Bahrain)] ar_DJ [Arabic (Djibouti)] ar_DZ [Arabic (Algeria)] ar_EG [Arabic (Egypt)] ar_EH [Arabic (Western Sahara)] ar_ER [Arabic (Eritrea)] ar_IL [Arabic (Israel)] ar_IQ [Arabic (Iraq)] ar_JO [Arabic (Jordan)] ar_KM [Arabic (Com...

What does 'COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS' do?

...l 'abc' AS accent sensitive, so 'ü' does not equal 'u' P.S. For more detailed information be sure to read @solomon-rutzky's answer. share | improve this answer | follow ...

What is the correct answer for cout

...P0145R3 Refining Expression Evaluation Order for Idiomatic C++ for more details. share | improve this answer | follow | ...

What is the dependency inversion principle and why is it important?

... should depend upon abstractions. Abstractions should never depend upon details. Details should depend upon abstractions. As to why it is important, in short: changes are risky, and by depending on a concept instead of on an implementation, you reduce the need for change at call sites. Effectivel...

How efficient is locking an unlocked mutex? What is the cost of a mutex?

...ens often, then multiple locks would increase parallelism. At the cost of maintainability, since more locking means more debugging of the locking. How efficient is it to lock a mutex? I.e. how much assembler instructions are there likely and how much time do they take (in the case that the mutex...

What's the difference between utf8_general_ci and utf8_unicode_ci?

..., utf8 is a flawed UTF-8 implementation from early MySQL versions which remains only for backward compatibility. The fixed version was given the name utf8mb4. Note: Newer versions of MySQL have updated Unicode sorting rules, available under names such as utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci for equivalent rules based...

App Inventor 2 低功耗蓝牙 BlueToothLE 拓展 · App Inventor 2 中文网

... 教育 入门必读 中文教程 IoT专题 AI2拓展 ChatGPT接入 Aia Store 开通VIP 搜索 App Inventor 2 低功耗蓝牙 BlueToothLE ...

Algorithm to compare two images

...the copy may do stuff like rotating, making negative, or adding trivial details (as well as changing the dimension of the image). ...

How to convert number to words in java

..." "); } /** * testing * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("*** " + EnglishNumberToWords.convert(0)); System.out.println("*** " + EnglishNumberToWords.convert(1)); System.out.println("*** " + EnglishNumberToWords.convert(16)); S...

Bomb dropping algorithm

...g layer 1, because the "blast radius" you get from doing so is always contained within the blast radius of another square from layer 2. You should be able to easily convince yourself of this. So, we can reduce the problem to finding an optimal way to bomb away the perimeter, then we can repeat t...