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Application Skeleton to support multiple screens

...oming with various device which having different Features, Resolution, and Screen-size so while developing an Application which support multiple (small and big) screen there is an obstacle of size and layout. ...

Android splash screen image sizes to fit all devices

I have a full screen PNG I want to display on splash. Only one error there, and I have no idea what size to put in every drawable folder ( ldpi , mdpi , hdpi , and xhdpi ). My application is supposed to run good and beautiful on all phones and tablets. What sizes (in pixels) should I create so th...

Function return value in PowerShell

... If you want to output stuff to the screen from within a function without returning that text as part of the function result, use the command write-debug after setting the variable $DebugPreference = "Continue" instead of "SilentlyContinue" ...

Twitter Bootstrap 3: how to use media queries?

...responsive layout where I want to adjust a few font sizes according to the screen size. How can I use media queries to make this kind of logic? ...

Notification click: activity already open

...that if you use this approach on the activity being launched from the home screen, then every time you launch the application will start with the root activity, destroying any activities that were previously displayed on top. This certainly is not an expected behavior for a user putting the app in b...

Using vagrant to run virtual machines with desktop environment

...rtualBox guest tools before starting the GUI. This will give you a healthy screen resolution, integrated mouse, etc. $ sudo apt-get install -y xfce4 virtualbox-guest-dkms virtualbox-guest-utils virtualbox-guest-x11 $ sudo VBoxClient-all Only now should you start the GUI as the vagrant user, with $ s...

TCP 的那些事儿(下) - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...是所谓的MSS(Max Segment Size)注意,TCP的RFC定义这个MSS的默认值是536,这是因为 RFC 791里说了任何一个IP设备都得最少接收576尺寸的大小(实际上来说576是拨号的网络的MTU,而576减去IP头的20个字节就是536)。 如果你的网络包可以...

Text size and different android screen sizes

...scussed already 1000 times, but I can't adjust the text size for different screen sizes. I try to use 'sp' as size units in my custom style: ...

Bootstrap 3 Navbar Collapse

...It's currently set to "expand" @media (min-width: 768px) which is a "small screen" (ie. a tablet) by Bootstrap 3 terms. @grid-float-breakpoint: @screen-tablet; If you want to keep the collapsed a little longer you can adjust it like such: @grid-float-breakpoint: @screen-desktop; (992px br...

Where is SQL Server Management Studio 2012?

...es the Express edition includes the full suite of client tools... here's a screenshot of the setup screen. – Tim Lewis Apr 22 '13 at 14:45 55 ...