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Breakpoint on property change

...al object var obj = { someProp: 10 }; // save in another property obj._someProp = obj.someProp; // overwrite with accessor Object.defineProperty(obj, 'someProp', { get: function () { return obj._someProp; }, set: function (value) { debugger; // sets breakpoint ...

How to install a specific JDK on Mac OS X?

I want to install a specific JDK (the latest for example). For this, I went to the JDK download homepage: http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp . I looked for a Mac version, but I'm a bit surprised to only see downloadable versions for Linux, Windows and Solaris ... ...

How to get Url Hash (#) from server side

...e with .ClientID but we found it simpler to just use the wrapper DIV as it allows all this Javascript to live in an external file and be used in a generic fashion. If the hidden input field has a valid value, set that as the URL hash (window.location.hash again) and/or perform other actions. We us...

Sort a list by multiple attributes?

... how, you can wrap your criteria (functions) in parenthesis: s = sorted(my_list, key=lambda i: ( criteria_1(i), criteria_2(i) ), reverse=True) share | improve this answer | ...

How to git-cherry-pick only changes to certain files?

... This doesn't seem to preserve authorship (at all). In some cases that won't matter, in other cases it will. – AlanSE Sep 13 '19 at 17:42 ...

“:” (colon) in C struct - what does it mean? [duplicate]

... Those are bit fields. Basically, the number after the colon describes how many bits that field uses. Here is a quote from MSDN describing bit fields: The constant-expression specifies the width of the field in bits. The type-specifier for the dec...

AtomicInteger lazySet vs. set

...l values for a while, but you'd like to ensure that structures are eventually GCable. In such cases, you can get better performance by avoiding the costs of the null volatile-write. There are a few other use cases along these lines for non-reference-based atomics as well, so the method is ...

How do I remove code duplication between similar const and non-const member functions?

... C &>(*this).get()); } char c; }; The two casts and function call may be ugly but it's correct. Meyers has a thorough explanation why. share | improve this answer | ...

How to use a class from one C# project with another C# project

...that you wish to access directly must have a sufficient access level: typically this means they must be made public. share | improve this answer | follow | ...

Managing CSS Explosion

...been heavily relying on CSS for a website that I am working on. Right now, all the CSS styles are being applied on a per tag basis, and so now I am trying to move it to more of an external styling to help with any future changes. ...