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JavaScript and Threads

...ars: WorkerPool API WHATWG has a Draft Recommendation for worker threads: Web Workers And there's also Mozilla’s DOM Worker Threads Update: June 2009, current state of browser support for JavaScript threads Firefox 3.5 has web workers. Some demos of web workers, if you want to see them in ac...

Do I need a Global.asax.cs file at all if I'm using an OWIN Startup.cs class and move all configurat

....Configuration method is only called if you have Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb.dll in your bin directory. If you remove this DLL, it will silently stop calling Startup.Configuration, which could be hard to understand. I think the third reason is the most important one we didn't take this approach ...

Responsive web design is working on desktop but not on mobile device

I have a website which must be responsive for mobile phones. I've created it using my desktop. When I adjust browser windows it's working perfectly for mobile phone but when I check it on my real mobile phone: Samsung Galaxy S2 it's not responsive to the mobile view. ...

解决 A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the ...

...求验证(ValidationRequest),这不仅包括ASP.NET,同时也包括Web Services等各种HTTP请求,不仅仅针对aspx页面,也针对HTTP Handler,HTTP Module等,因为这个验证(Valify)的过程,将会发生在BeginRequest事件之前。 基于以上原理,在ASP.NET之...

响应式web设计之@media screen,手机网页自适应 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专...

响应式web设计之@media screen,手机网页自适应@media screen and (max-width: 600px) { *当屏幕尺寸小于600px时,应用下面的CSS样式* .class {background: #ccc;}}@media scre... @media screen and (max-width: 600px) { /*当屏幕尺寸小于600px时,应用下面的CSS样式*/ ...

解决 A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the ...

...求验证(ValidationRequest),这不仅包括ASP.NET,同时也包括Web Services等各种HTTP请求,不仅仅针对aspx页面,也针对HTTP Handler,HTTP Module等,因为这个验证(Valify)的过程,将会发生在BeginRequest事件之前。 基于以上原理,在ASP.NET之...

解决 A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the ...

...求验证(ValidationRequest),这不仅包括ASP.NET,同时也包括Web Services等各种HTTP请求,不仅仅针对aspx页面,也针对HTTP Handler,HTTP Module等,因为这个验证(Valify)的过程,将会发生在BeginRequest事件之前。 基于以上原理,在ASP.NET之...

解决 A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the ...

...求验证(ValidationRequest),这不仅包括ASP.NET,同时也包括Web Services等各种HTTP请求,不仅仅针对aspx页面,也针对HTTP Handler,HTTP Module等,因为这个验证(Valify)的过程,将会发生在BeginRequest事件之前。 基于以上原理,在ASP.NET之...

解决 A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the ...

...求验证(ValidationRequest),这不仅包括ASP.NET,同时也包括Web Services等各种HTTP请求,不仅仅针对aspx页面,也针对HTTP Handler,HTTP Module等,因为这个验证(Valify)的过程,将会发生在BeginRequest事件之前。 基于以上原理,在ASP.NET之...

解决 A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the ...

...求验证(ValidationRequest),这不仅包括ASP.NET,同时也包括Web Services等各种HTTP请求,不仅仅针对aspx页面,也针对HTTP Handler,HTTP Module等,因为这个验证(Valify)的过程,将会发生在BeginRequest事件之前。 基于以上原理,在ASP.NET之...