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What rules does software version numbering follow? [duplicate]

...o do not know who wrote the document, it is created by Tom Preston-Werner, inventor of Gravatars and cofounder of GitHub. – Dexter Oct 18 '18 at 1:28 ...

Is it .yaml or .yml?

...acter extension becoming the one in predominant use for YAML—despite the inventors' preference. ".YML" seems to be the de facto standard. Yet the same inventors were perceptive and correct, about the world's need for a human-readable data language. And we should thank them for providing it. ...

“loop:” in Java code. What is this, and why does it compile?

...throw an exception. But this is occasionally useful. Frankly, I think the inventors of Java included this feature because between this and exception handling, they eliminated the last two legitimate uses for GOTO. Very late addendum: I saw a great gag line of code once. The programmer wrote: h...

MQTT与TCP的区别 - 创客硬件开发 - 清泛IT社区,为创新赋能!

...002年,他成为IBM Academy of Technology的成员,并成为IBM Master Inventor(要有40个以上的发明)。他于2007年成为IBM杰出工程师。2010年,他成为Smart Energy Technologies的首席技术官,Smart Energy Technologies是IBM智慧地球战略的组成部分。 侵删,来...

Can we omit parentheses when creating an object using the “new” operator?

... @ack Well, it would be odd not to see the language's inventors showcase certain features of their language (in this case, the option to omit parentheses on constructors). If they hadn't added the feature, we wouldn't be asking whether it should be used in the first place. A pra...

How do 20 questions AI algorithms work?

...urns out the answer's been on the net this whole time. Robin Burgener, the inventor, described his algorithm in detail in his 2005 patent filing. share | improve this answer | ...

Parse JSON in JavaScript? [duplicate]

...js, the reference implementation of JSON written by Douglas Crockford, the inventor of JSON. That library will provide an implementation of JSON.parse(). When processing extremely large JSON files, JSON.parse() may choke because of its synchronous nature and design. To resolve this, the JSON websit...

What's wrong with this 1988 C code?

...anged without any reason whatsoever from the code written in a book by the inventor of C, was probably the issue. I'll just undo that then." – Lightness Races in Orbit Dec 28 '11 at 0:42 ...

Why do Objective-C files use the .m extension?

...d Scott Knaster, page 9) EDIT: To satisfy an itch I emailed Brad Cox, the inventor of Objective-C, about the question and he answered with this single line: "Because .o and .c were taken. Simple as that." Here's the email as visual proof: ...

Java's Interface and Haskell's type class: differences and similarities?

...s of Programming, there's an interview about Haskell with Phil Wadler, the inventor of type classes, who explain the similarities between interfaces in Java and type classes in Haskell: A Java method like: public static <T extends Comparable<T>> T min (T x, T y) { if (...