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Facebook API - How do I get a Facebook user's profile image through the Facebook API (without requir

...m/users_unique_url ). How can I accomplish this? Is there a Faceboook API call that fetches a user's profile image URL without the user needing to Allow the application? ...

Differences between Perl and PHP [closed]

...ype, of which Perl has three, and the type specifier is part of the name (called a "sigil"), so $foo is a different variable than @foo or %foo. (related to the previous point) Perl has separate symbol table entries for scalars, arrays, hashes, code, file/directory handles and formats. Each has its o...

Twitter API returns error 215, Bad Authentication Data

I am trying to call following Twitter's API to get a list of followers for a user. 15 Answers ...

How to convert an array into an object using stdClass() [duplicate]

..., 'varsta' => 25) ); If you want to see is this stdClass object just call this print_r($clasa); If you want to convert an array to object code will be $arr = array('a'=>'apple','b'=>'ball'); $arr = (object) $arr; You don't need to use stdClass. It will automatically converted to st...

git diff two files on same branch, same commit

... but the fact that he mentions BeyondCompare implies that he's not specifically looking for a git diff but simply an easy to read diff. Also the fact he accepted my answer as what he was looking for also indicates that it does in fact answer it. – JaredMcAteer ...

Detect when browser receives file download

I have a page that allows the user to download a dynamically-generated file. It takes a long time to generate, so I'd like to show a "waiting" indicator. The problem is, I can't figure out how to detect when the browser has received the file, so I can hide the indicator. ...

How do I get the function name inside a function in PHP?

... FUNCTION works for non-class functions as well. Tried on PHP 7.0.8. – mvsagar Jul 21 '17 at 13:58 Th...

Submitting a multidimensional array via POST with php

...u would read the previous input name after cloning, and increment by 1 manually for each input name attribute in the clone. – Daniel Nov 18 '18 at 0:04 add a comment ...

js/php判断终端类型:PC访问、手机访问、微信访问 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - ...

js/php判断终端类型:PC访问、手机访问、微信访问一般也可以在前端用js来判断访问终端,代码如下:<script>function GetQueryString(name) { var reg = new RegExp("(^|&)"+ name +"=([^&]*)(&|$)"); v 一般也可以在前端用js来判断访问终端,代码...

Convert stdClass object to array in PHP

...ncode($object), true); Or if you prefer, you can traverse the object manually, too: foreach ($object as $value) $array[] = $value-&gt;post_id; share | improve this answer | ...