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Is it bad practice to have a constructor function return a Promise?

...create and initialize a new instance. It should set up data structures and all instance-specific properties, but not execute any tasks. It should be a pure function without side effects if possible, with all the benefits that has. What if I want to execute things from my constructor? That shou...

Python - abs vs fabs

...e about complex numbers. Out of interest, what other classes of things can __builtin__.abs() be successfully applied to? – NPE May 27 '12 at 7:31 ...

Globally catch exceptions in a WPF application?

...ication where parts of it may throw exceptions at runtime. I'd like to globally catch any unhandled exception and log them, but otherwise continue program execution as if nothing happened (kinda like VB's On Error Resume Next ). ...

What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory?

.... So, any book or article that describes something fundamental cannot be called outdated. "What every programmer should know about memory" is definitely worth to read, but, well, I don't think it's for "every programmer". It's more suitable for system/embedded/kernel guys. ...

Rails params explained?

...e "1" and params[:boo] would be "octopus". In HTTP/HTML, the params are really just a series of key-value pairs where the key and the value are strings, but Ruby on Rails has a special syntax for making the params be a hash with hashes inside. For example, if the user's browser requested http://w...

How to rethrow InnerException without losing stack trace in C#?

I am calling, through reflection, a method which may cause an exception. How can I pass the exception to my caller without the wrapper reflection puts around it? I am rethrowing the InnerException, but this destroys the stack trace. Example code: ...

How to use Regular Expressions (Regex) in Microsoft Excel both in-cell and loops

... I adapted example 4 with SubMatches for treating more complex regex, basically I don't use replace when splitting, if anyone is interested: stackoverflow.com/questions/30218413/… – Armfoot May 13 '15 at 14:58 ...

Automapper - how to map to constructor parameters instead of property setters

... Use ConstructUsing this will allow you to specify which constructor to use during the mapping. but then all of the other properties will be automatically mapped according to the conventions. Also note that this is different from ConvertUsing in that con...

Why does the default parameterless constructor go away when you create one with parameters

...ass, I most likely want to be able to instantiate that class. In order to allow that, the compiler must add a parameterless constructor, which will have no effect but to allow instantiation. This means that I don't have to include an empty constructor in my code just to make it work. If I've defin...

Regex: ignore case sensitivity

...ow can I make the following regex ignore case sensitivity? It should match all the correct characters but ignore whether they are lower or uppercase. ...