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Advances social tools app with cool UI - Koded Apps - Kodular Community

...following extensions Phase • Animations made easy! by @Shreyash App Inventor Extensions: Clipboard Manager | Pura Vida Apps Clipboard Extension extension by @Taifun Country_Code_Picker_Extension By @Deep_Host SmartAppRate extension By @Deep_Host I didn,t find @Deephost’s account so i m gi...

HC-05 蓝牙模块开发 - 创客硬件开发 - 清泛IT社区,为创新赋能!

...支持蓝牙5.0(低功耗BLE),它需要配对码进行配对,App Inventor 2 中使用“蓝牙客户端”组件,而非BLE拓展,必须在手机设置中配对成功才能出现在蓝牙列表中。 注意: 它的波特率是:38400,而非默认的9600。 上电之前按下...


研究:https://peterzhong1219.gitee.io/ ... App%20Inventor.htmlhttps://qastack.cn/programming/1 ... up-the-gwt-compiler已研究,已解决问题。

2024年2月2日签到记录贴 - 签到区 - 清泛IT社区,为创新赋能!

...红花 20,另外我还额外获得了 小红花 9我今天最想说:「App Inventor 2 社区即将重新上线,添加了现代化的移动社区」.

BLE 模块 透传问题 - 创客硬件开发 - 清泛IT社区,为创新赋能!

...内容读出来,然后调用 ble 的写方法。感谢老师引用: App Inventor 2  发表于 2024-03-31 16:53 传文件,需要先用“文件管理器”组件,将文件内容读出来,然后调用 ble 的写方法。 ... 感谢老师

创建并发送BLE蓝牙广播 - 创客硬件开发 - 清泛IT社区,为创新赋能!

在MIT App Inventor社区的一篇帖子中,用户尝试使用最新的BLE扩展来创建和发送蓝牙广播,但遇到了一些问题。Evan Patton指出,Android的BLE子系统需要使用16位UUID,并提供了一个测试版的BLE扩展,解决了广播发送失败的问题。 以下...

【客户反馈】增加直接改项目名称的功能 - 用户反馈 - 清泛IT社区,为创新赋能!

...编译通过。 rename后再另存,就不行。 修复中。。。App Inventor 2  发表于 2024-08-30 09:29 rename  没有真正改名,编译仍然失败 另存为 是彻底改了,编译通过。 rename后再另存,就不行。 修复中。。 ... 改名功能已彻...

Choosing Java vs Python on Google App Engine

...m however does have the advantage of having on board Guido van Rossum, the inventor of Python and an amazingly strong engineer. In terms of flexibility, the Java engine, as already mentioned, does offer the possibility of running JVM bytecode made by different languages, not just Java -- if you're ...

Showing empty view when ListView is empty

... any idea how to do that in app inventor? – JinSnow Mar 26 '15 at 16:56 add a comment  |  ...

.NET: Simplest way to send POST with data and read response

...ming model being worked on by Henrik F Nielson who is basically one of the inventors of HTTP, and he designed the API so it is easy for you to follow the HTTP standard; 2) It is supported by the .Net framework 4.5, so it has some guaranteed level of support for the forseeable future; 3) It also has ...