大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0521秒) [XML]


Improve INSERT-per-second performance of SQLite

...more memory will be used for your database. If you have indices, consider calling CREATE INDEX after doing all your inserts. This is significantly faster than creating the index and then doing your inserts. You have to be quite careful if you have concurrent access to SQLite, as the whole database i...

How to increment a datetime by one day?

... All of the current answers are wrong in some cases as they do not consider that timezones change their offset relative to UTC. So in some cases adding 24h is different from adding a calendar day. Proposed solution The follo...

How to select rows from a DataFrame based on column values?

...have multiple values you want to include, put them in a list (or more generally, any iterable) and use isin: print(df.loc[df['B'].isin(['one','three'])]) yields A B C D 0 foo one 0 0 1 bar one 1 2 3 bar three 3 6 6 foo one 6 12 7 foo three 7 14 Note,...

Could not load NIB in bundle

... Additionally, if you are using alloc init, instead of initWithNibName:bunle:, what you will get is a black screen. – Robert Childan Apr 20 '12 at 8:36 ...

Modifying location.hash without page scrolling

...reated and placed at the current location of the scroll. It's the same visually as position:fixed/top:0. Thus the scrollbar is "moved" to the exact same spot it currently is on. – Borgar Sep 29 '09 at 0:44 ...

Download File Using jQuery

... Thanks, this is what I was looking for. I usually use "preventDefault", just left it out above because I was being lazy. ;-) – Dodinas Aug 18 '09 at 21:38 ...

Google Espresso or Robotium [closed]

..., but also cause tests to run slower than necessary. API. Espresso has a small, well-defined and predictable API, which is open to customization. You tell the framework how to locate a UI element using standard hamcrest matchers and then instruct it to either perform an action or check an assertion ...

How to programmatically show next view in ViewPager?

...siest way is: nextButton.setOnClickListener { pager.arrowScroll(View.FOCUS_RIGHT) } prevButton.setOnClickListener { pager.arrowScroll(View.FOCUS_LEFT) } share | improve this answer | ...

How to connect android emulator to the internet

... Check your firewall settings - as @moon_walker333 mentions in this thread. AVG was blocking my application. – ccbunney Apr 20 '13 at 8:06 1 ...

Why can't Python parse this JSON data?

... You have [] when you should have {}: [] are for JSON arrays, which are called list in Python {} are for JSON objects, which are called dict in Python Here's how your JSON file should look: { "maps": [ { "id": "blabla", "iscategorical": "0" }, ...