大约有 9,600 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0214秒) [XML]
Is there an “exists” function for jQuery?
In JavaScript, everything is 'truthy' or 'falsy', and for numbers 0 means false, everything e...
URL encoding in Android
...dj-videos.us/Music/XclusiveSinGleTrack/320%20Kbps/… The %20 is coded to %2520
– berserk
Jan 7 '14 at 7:17
AI2 Media Notification
...o longer necessary to have two different versions of the extension for App Inventor and Kodular. Adaptation of existing Kodular projects : Internal names are identical. Therefore the old version can be replaced by the new one. However, this is only possible by exporting the project ...
Convert file path to a file URI?
..., but if you give it the path C:\a b.txt then you end up with file:///C:/a%2520b.txt instead of file:///C:/a%20b.txt - somehow it decides that some sequences should be decoded but not others. Now we could just prefix with "file:///" ourselves, however this fails to take UNC paths like \\remote\share...
htaccess redirect to https://www
...EST_URI} [L,R=301] an URL like exaple.com/?bla=%20 became exaple.com/?bla=%2520, i.e. the percent sign has been encoded. Consider using the flag NE to prevent double encoding: RewriteRule .* https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [NE,L,R=301]
– Beat
Jan 27 '15 at 9...
Worst security hole you've seen? [closed]
...ng. Case in point:
It's amazing how many pages on the Internet, government sites in particular, pass an SQL query through the query string. It's the worst form of SQL injection, and it takes no effort at all to ...
Activity启动器(ActivityStarter)如何查看并启动其他App - App应用开发 -...
App包名和类名的查看由 App Inventor 2 创建的应用要弄清包名和类名,可通过下载其应用程序的源代码,然后使用文件资源管理器或解压缩程序解压 .aia源文件(文件的扩展名修改成.zip 或.rar,然后解压...
APP被手机识别为疑似病毒 - App应用开发 - 清泛IT社区,为创新赋能!
本帖最后由 ABCDHHH 于 2024-12-30 13:41 编辑
使用INVENTOR 制作的APP被手机识别为疑似病毒,包括AI伴侣,请问是什么原因呀,有什么方法可以不被识别为病毒软件吗{:8_385:}
手机APP上的串口通信组件 - 创客硬件开发 - 清泛IT社区,为创新赋能!
...原版视频,请参考“串口通信器“组件相关文档:《App Inventor 2 串口组件:App使用OTG数据线进行串口通信》
AI2 SideBar Extension
...ve contains the source code, the compiled binary for uploading to the App Inventor and a sample application. Usage Pixel vs. DIP App Inventor 2 uses the unit of pixels to define the width and height of elements. However, this does not mean a (hardware) pixel on the display, but a DIP (Device Inde...