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Accept function as parameter in PHP

...en wondering whether is possible or not to pass a function as parameter in PHP; I want something like when you're programming in JS: ...

How do I write unit tests in PHP? [closed]

...which is by far easier to learn - even easier than SimpleTest, it's called phpt. A primer can be found here: http://qa.php.net/write-test.php Edit: Just saw your request for sample code. Let's assume you have the following function in a file called lib.php: <?php function foo($bar) { return...

jQuery Ajax POST example with PHP

... $inputs.prop("disabled", true); // Fire off the request to /form.php request = $.ajax({ url: "/form.php", type: "post", data: serializedData }); // Callback handler that will be called on success request.done(function (response, textStatus, jqXHR){ ...

How to unit test an object with database queries

...rns a result. That result is typically defined by you ahead of time. In order to set up your objects for mocking, you probably need to use some sort of inversion of control/ dependency injection pattern, as in the following pseudo-code: class Bar { private FooDataProvider _dataProvider; ...

WEB端测试与移动端测试的区别 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...试来说,比较重要的一个步骤就是报bug,在web端我们发现问题之后,可以利用系统自动工具或者其他截图工具直接截图,然后将错误的地方或者比较 重要的点进行标记,但是在移动端,截图相对来说就没那么简单了,因为这地方...

Eclipse RCP开发桌面程序 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...进依赖项,否则会出错。最开始的时候,就是这么一点小问题,让我浪费了几天时间。   再点击添加必须的插件,自动添加其它的依赖项。   再下一步,设置项目的构建路径,如下图:   下一步,导出我们的...

Get the latest record from mongodb collection

... So, what's the difference with this order : db.collection.find().sort({$natural:-1}).limit(1).pretty() – Leo Nov 2 '16 at 2:32 ...

How do I PHP-unserialize a jQuery-serialized form?

Using $('#form').serialize() , I was able to send this over to a PHP page. Now how do I unserialize it in PHP? It was serialized in jQuery. ...

Event system in Python

...s As of June 2020, these are the event-related packages available on PyPI, ordered by most recent release date. RxPy3 1.0.1: June 2020 pluggy 0.13.1: June 2020 (beta) Louie 2.0: Sept 2019 python-dispatch 0.1.2: Feb 2019 PyPubSub 4.0.3: Jan 2019 zope.event 4.4: 2018 pyeventdispatcher 0.2.3a0: 2018 b...

Why would $_FILES be empty when uploading files to PHP?

...mpServer 2 installed on my Windows 7 computer. I'm using Apache 2.2.11 and PHP 5.2.11. When I attempt to upload any file from a form, it seems to upload, but in PHP, the $_FILES array is empty. There is no file in the c:\wamp\tmp folder. I have configured php.ini to allow file uploads and such...