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Using SignalR with Redis messagebus failover using BookSleeve's ConnectionUtils.Connect()

... The SignalR team has now implemented support for a custom connection factory with StackExchange.Redis, the successor to BookSleeve, which supports redundant Redis connections via ConnectionMultiplexer. The initial problem encountered was that in...

How do I get current date/time on the Windows command line in a suitable format for usage in a file/

Update: Now that it's 2016 I'd use PowerShell for this unless there's a really compelling backwards-compatible reason for it, particularly because of the regional settings issue with using date . See @npocmaka's https://stackoverflow.com/a/19799236/8479 ...

Why would one use the Publish/Subscribe pattern (in JS/jQuery)?

...ing is an Object-oriented principle in which each component of the system knows its responsibility and doesn’t care about the other components (or at least tries to not care about them as much as possible). Loose coupling is a good thing because you can easily reuse the different modules. You’re...

How do I resolve “HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error” on IIS7.0 [closed]

...ewrite> config section is valid so the config is malformed technically. Now why they can't just spit out a better error is beyond me. – Wyatt Barnett Apr 7 '14 at 20:46 16 ...

Selenium c# Webdriver: Wait Until Element is Present

... This method is now deprecated, you should instead use the property ImplicitWait : Driver.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10); – Samuel Rondeau-Millaire Mar 31 '17 at 15:17 ...

Looking for jQuery find(..) method that includes the current node

...ddBack('selector') Prior to jQuery 1.8 you were stuck with .andSelf(), (now deprecated and removed) which then needed filtering: object.find('selector').andSelf().filter('selector') share | imp...

What are the differences between django-tastypie and djangorestframework? [closed]

... @Mutant - Thanks, the djangocon.eu 2011 site is now dead, but I've linked directly to the video on blip.tv. – Tom Christie Oct 9 '12 at 13:44 ...

How to write the Fibonacci Sequence?

... + b Display startNumber to endNumber only from Fib sequence. Once you know how to generate Fibonacci Numbers you just have to cycle trough the numbers and check if they verify the given conditions. Suppose now you wrote a f(n) that returns the n-th term of the Fibonacci Sequence (like the one w...

Check string for palindrome

... will compare word[0] and word[4]. They're equal, so we increment i1 (it's now 1) and decrement i2 (it's now 3). So we then compare the n's. They're equal, so we increment i1 (it's now 2) and decrement i2 (it's 2). Now i1 and i2 are equal (they're both 2), so the condition for the while loop is no l...

How can I generate Unix timestamps?

...1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. (GNU Coreutils 8.24 Date manual) Example output now 1454000043. share | improve this answer | follow | ...