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Strangest language feature

... Or, more usefully, "0123456789abcdef"[x & 0xf] – Dipstick Jan 3 '10 at 15:33 17 ...

How do you Encrypt and Decrypt a PHP String?

...xample I want to pass a GET parameter from page to page, let's say prod_id=123 but I just do not want to make 123 readable for everybody, however even if they could read it, it won't be a problem. An attacker being able to replace the 123 to a custom value won't cause any harm, he/she will only be a...

Download JSON object as a file from browser

... Found an answer. var obj = {a: 123, b: "4 5 6"}; var data = "text/json;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(obj)); $('<a href="data:' + data + '" download="data.json">download JSON</a>').appendTo('#container'); seems to work f...

Automatically import modules when entering the python or ipython interpreter

...ONSTARTUP="~/.startup.py" didn't work for me – Seanny123 Jun 25 '15 at 20:09 Just a note export PYTHONSTARTUP=~/.pytho...

Convert RGB to RGBA over white

...ales using (177 - 152) / 0.404 ~ 62 202 scales using (202 - 152) / 0.404 ~ 123 So, rgb(152, 177, 202) displays as rgba(0, 62, 123, .404). I have verified in Photoshop that the colors actually match perfectly. share ...

What is the difference between ExecuteScalar, ExecuteReader and ExecuteNonQuery?

...a generated id after inserting. INSERT INTO my_profile (Address) VALUES ('123 Fake St.'); SELECT CAST(scope_identity() AS int) ExecuteReader gives you a data reader back which will allow you to read all of the columns of the results a row at a time. An example would be pulling profile informati...

How to test equality of Swift enums with associated values

...{ case Name(String) case Number(Int) } let t1 = SimpleToken.Number(123) let t2 = SimpleToken.Number(123) Before Swift 4.1 As others have noted, Swift doesn't synthesize the necessary equality operators automatically. Let me propose a cleaner (IMHO) implementation, though: enum SimpleToke...

PHP passing $_GET in linux command prompt

...lice($argv, 2)), $_GET); include($argv[1]);'"' --" % php-cgi test1.php foo=123 <html> You set foo to 123. </html> %cat test1.php <html>You set foo to <?php print $_GET['foo']?>.</html> share ...

Can a CSV file have a comment?

... I have more often seen and used: #Csv/Version 1.9 Time,ValueA,ValueB 0.0, 123, 456 0.1, 123, 349 – Crog Aug 25 at 8:31 add a comment  |  ...

Liquibase lock - reasons?

...he liquibase-scripts the lock was held. <changeSet author="user" id="123"> <preConditions onFail="CONTINUE"> <not><sequenceExists sequenceName="SEQUENCE_NAME_SEQ" /></not> </preConditions> <createSequence sequenceName="SEQUENCE_NAME_SEQ"/&g...