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Apache: client denied by server configuration

...to access a directory. It is turned on by DEFAULT in the httpd.conf that ships with Apache. You can see the enabling of the feature with the directive Require all denied This basically says to deny access to all users. To fix this problem, either remove the denied directive (or much better) add t...

Is there a setting on Google Analytics to suppress use of cookies for users who have not yet given c

... they opt-in. window['ga-disable-UA-XXXXXX-Y'] = false; //...snip... //set a cookie to express that the user has opted-in to tracking, for future pageviews _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); // now run the pageview that you 'missed' } Opt Out With this approach, you'd allow...

Connecting to TCP Socket from browser using javascript

...tly no popular browser has implemented any such raw sockets api for javascript that lets you create and access raw sockets, but a draft for the implementation of raw sockets api in JavaScript is under-way. Have a look at these links: http://www.w3.org/TR/raw-sockets/ https://developer.mozilla.org/...

Remote Connections Mysql Ubuntu

...and below uncommented in /etc/mysql/my.cnf and assigned to your computers IP address and not loopback For mysql version 5.7 and above uncommented in /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf and assigned to your computers IP address and not loopback #Replace xxx with your IP Address bind-address ...

How do I redirect output to a variable in shell? [duplicate]

I have a script like that 8 Answers 8 ...

Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin

...partially solved simply by using the following jQuery instruction: <script> $.support.cors = true; </script> I tried it on IE10.0.9200, and it worked immediately (using jquery-1.9.0.js). On chrome 28.0.1500.95 - this instruction doesn't work (this happens all over as david compl...

也来说说ReactOS的调试 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...打开fDebug,如图: 唉,白呀,打开”文件”?”Connect”,在端口那输入” \\.\pipe\com_1”下面默认,确定 提示 晕,怎么回事?用windbg就可以啦.打开源码看看,(有源代码就是好,^_^);这个程序的代码很少. 看到这,就知道怎么回事了(注...

搭建高可用mongodb集群(三)—— 深入副本集内部机制 - 大数据 & AI - 清...

...间会比较长。而keep复制指初始化同步过后,节点之间的实时同步一般是增量同步。初始化同步不只是在第一次才会被处罚,有以下两种情况会触发: secondary第一次加入,这个是肯定的。 secondary落后的数据量超过了oplog的大小...

Node.js + Nginx - What now?

...s-available/yourdomain.com In it you should have something like: # the IP(s) on which your node server is running. I chose port 3000. upstream app_yourdomain { server; keepalive 8; } # the nginx server instance server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; server_name y...

Cannot ping AWS EC2 instance

...ill help someone else... 1) First make sure the EC2 instance has a public IP. If has a Public DNS or Public IP address (circled below) then you should be good. This will be the address you ping. 2) Next make sure the Amazon network rules allow Echo Requests. Go to the Security Group for the EC2. ...