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在线服务的黑天鹅 - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...利用周日休息一下,但是一醒来就收到消息说某服务有些问题。于是赶紧连线了一堆正在处理事件的工程师,等拿到初步的原因分析之后,已经4小时之后了。 “墨菲定律”,一位工程师说,“前几天觉得这个地方有些隐患,已...

Best way to allow plugins for a PHP application

I am starting a new web application in PHP and this time around I want to create something that people can extend by using a plugin interface. ...

Facebook Open Graph not clearing cache

...488/…" that you need to have a Facebook like/share button on the page in order for the output of this end-point to contain any information. – WillyBurb Feb 17 '15 at 17:24 ...

Linux 进程卡住了怎么办? - 操作系统(内核) - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...rocess在我们使用 Linux 系统时,如果网络或者磁盘等 I O 出问题,会发现进程卡住了,即使用 kill -9 也无法杀掉进程,很多常用的调试工具,比如 strace, pstack 等也都失灵了 在我们使用 Linux 系统时,如果网络或者磁盘等 I/O 出...

Best way to do multiple constructors in PHP

...u can't put two __construct functions with unique argument signatures in a PHP class. I'd like to do this: 21 Answers ...

Best practice: PHP Magic Methods __set and __get [duplicate]

...management by the IDE for refactoring and code-browsing (under Zend Studio/PhpStorm this can be handled with the @property phpdoc annotation but that requires to maintain them: quite a pain) the documentation (phpdoc) doesn't match how your code is supposed to be used, and looking at your class does...

Accept function as parameter in PHP

...en wondering whether is possible or not to pass a function as parameter in PHP; I want something like when you're programming in JS: ...

PHP best way to MD5 multi-dimensional array?

.../Optionally make a copy of the array (if you want to preserve the original order) $original = $array; array_multisort($array); $hash = md5(json_encode($array)); Edit: There's been some question as to whether reversing the order would produce the same results. So, I've done that (correctly) here: ...

How do I write unit tests in PHP? [closed]

...which is by far easier to learn - even easier than SimpleTest, it's called phpt. A primer can be found here: http://qa.php.net/write-test.php Edit: Just saw your request for sample code. Let's assume you have the following function in a file called lib.php: <?php function foo($bar) { return...

Get the latest record from mongodb collection

... So, what's the difference with this order : db.collection.find().sort({$natural:-1}).limit(1).pretty() – Leo Nov 2 '16 at 2:32 ...