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How do I get the base URL with PHP?
... XAMPP on Windows Vista. In my development, I have .
22 Answers
解决:Run-Time Check Failure #0,The value of ESP was not properly sav...
FAR PASCAL 或者 __stdcall 这个就OK了。
比如说你要定义一个 返回类型为空,参数为空的函数指针:
typedef void (*LPFUN)(void);
How to uninstall the “Microsoft Advertising SDK” Visual Studio extension?
Run the following from an elevated Powershell prompt:
gwmi Win32_Product -Filter "Name LIKE 'Microsoft Advertising%'"
And it should show the culprits:
IdentifyingNumber : {6AB13C21-C3EC-46E1-8009-6FD5EBEE515B}
Name : Microsoft Advertising SDK for Windows 8.1 - ENU
Vendor ...
Capturing Groups From a Grep RegEx
...e using Bash, you don't even have to use grep:
for f in $files # unquoted in order to allow the glob to expand
if [[ $f =~ $regex ]]
echo "${name}.jpg" # concatenate strings
What does it mean if a Python object is “subscriptable” or not?
It basically means that the object implements the __getitem__() method. In other words, it describes objects that are "containers", meaning they contain other objects. This includes strings, lists, tuples, and dictionaries.
How do I create a constant in Python?
...f you are in a class, the equivalent would be:
class Foo(object):
if not, it is just
But you might want to have a look at the code snippet Constants in Python by Alex Martelli.
As of Python 3.8, there's a typing.Final variable annotation that will tell ...
Class method differences in Python: bound, unbound and static
... and unbound methods.
Basically, a call to a member function (like method_one), a bound function
is translated to
i.e. a call to an unbound method. Because of that, a call to your version of method_two will fail with a TypeError
>>> a_tes...
What is a “callable”?
...allable is anything that can be called.
The built-in callable (PyCallable_Check in objects.c) checks if the argument is either:
an instance of a class with a __call__ method or
is of a type that has a non null tp_call (c struct) member which indicates callability otherwise (such as in functions,...
What is the preferred/idiomatic way to insert into a map?
... which you assign a value. Obviously, this can be inefficient if the mapped_type can benefit from being directly initialized instead of default constructed and assigned. This method also makes it impossible to determine if an insertion has indeed taken place or if you have only overwritten the value...
How to darken a background using CSS?
... image */
Reference: linear-gradient() - CSS | MDN
UPDATE: Not all browsers support RGBa, so you should have a 'fallback color'. This color will be most likely be solid (...