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Can I incorporate both SignalR and a RESTful API?

I have a single page web app developed using ASP.NET. I recently converted many of the web methods to be push based, using the SignalR library. This really sped up the page considerably and reduced a lot of the server calls from the page. ...

No connection string named 'MyEntities' could be found in the application config file

...e configuration file(s) for the executing assembly. In this case, it's the web project. Class libraries generally don't have their own configuration files. – kiprainey Mar 20 '14 at 17:21 ...

How to split long commands over multiple lines in PowerShell

... Trailing backtick character, i.e., &"C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy\msdeploy.exe" ` -verb:sync ` -source:contentPath="c:\workspace\xxx\master\Build\_PublishedWebsites\xxx.Web" ` -dest:contentPath="c:\websites\xxx\wwwroot,computerName=,username=administrator,password=xxx"...

How are ssl certificates verified?

... Here is a very simplified explanation: Your web browser downloads the web server's certificate, which contains the public key of the web server. This certificate is signed with the private key of a trusted certificate authority. Your web browser comes installed with t...

How to set ViewBag properties for all Views without using a base class for Controllers?

...egistration, IComponentRegistry registry) { if (typeof(WebViewPage).IsAssignableFrom(registration.Activator.LimitType)) { registration.Activated += (s, e) => { ((WebViewPage)e.Instance).ViewBag.Global = "global"; }; } ...

Is there some way to PUSH data from web server to browser?

...f opening long-lived HTTP requests in order to push data in real-time to a web browser. I'd recommend StreamHub Push Server, they have some cool demos and it's much easier to get started with than any of the other servers. Check out the Getting Started with Comet and StreamHub Tutorial for a quick...

Why am I getting error for apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png

...make those requests if the device owner adds the site to it. Source: Why Webmasters Should Analyze Their 404 Error Log (Mar 2012; by Martin Brinkmann) share | improve this answer | ...

Need command line to start web browser using adb

... I start a browser with the adb shell command and make it open a certain web page? 5 Answers ...

What's the difference between REST & RESTful

...tyle" that basically exploits the existing technology and protocols of the Web. RESTful is typically used to refer to web services implementing such an architecture. share | improve this answer ...

CSS, Images, JS not loading in IIS

...thenticated page would not load the CSS, JS and Images when I installed my web application in ASP.Net 4.5 in IIS 8.5 on Windows Server 2012 R2. I had the static content role installed My Web Application was in the wwwroot folder of IIS and all the Windows Folder permissions were intact (the defaul...