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How to use range-based for() loop with std::map?
The common example for C++11 range-based for() loops is always something simple like this:
5 Answers
Initializing a struct to 0
If I have a struct like this:
3 Answers
What's Go's equivalent of argv[0]?
How can I get my own program's name at runtime? What's Go's equivalent of C/C++'s argv[0]? To me it is useful to generate the usage with the right name.
What's the difference between MemoryCache.Add and MemoryCache.Set?
I read the MSDN documentation but didn't really understand it.
1 Answer
How set the default repository
How can I set default remote repository for mercurial local repository?
1 Answer
Clojure 1.2.1/1.3/1.4 'proxy generated in Grails 2.0.0 runtime fails. 1.2.0 is fine
I'm working on extending the Grails Clojure plugin in Grails 2.0.0 (and 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT) and I wanted to update it to Clojure 1.3.0 and add clojure.tools.logging .
How to copy yanked text to VI command prompt
I want to know if there is any way by which I can paste yanked text to the command window. For instance if I have yanked a word and I want to grep it in some location I can't simply paste the word using 'p'. However if I copy it to clipboard, Shift-Insert will paste the same thing.
Oracle SQL Developer multiple table views
In Oracle SQL Developer , one can list the data in a table using the Data tab when viewing a table. there where can add, delete, edit or just viewing records of table currently viewd
SQL: How to get the count of each distinct value in a column?
I have a SQL table called "posts" that looks like this:
1 Answer