大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0499秒) [XML]


How to extract a floating number from a string [duplicate]

... [-+]? # optional sign ... (?: ... (?: \d* \. \d+ ) # .1 .12 .123 etc 9.1 etc 98.1 etc ... | ... (?: \d+ \.? ) # 1. 12. 123. etc 1 12 123 etc ... ) ... # followed by optional exponent part if desired ... (?: [Ee] [+-]? \d+ ) ? ... """ >>> rx = re...

Detecting request type in PHP (GET, POST, PUT or DELETE)

... below). Use this for REST calls, e.g. http://example.com/test.php/testing/123/hello. This works with Apache and Lighttpd out of the box, and no rewrite rules are needed. <?php $method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']; $request = explode("/", substr(@$_SERVER['PATH_INFO'], 1)); switch ($method) { ...

Different between parseInt() and valueOf() in java?

...ould also use this eyesore: Integer k = Integer.valueOf(Integer.parseInt("123")) Now, if what you want is the object and not the primitive, then using valueOf(String) may be more attractive than making a new object out of parseInt(String) because the former is consistently present across Integer,...

How to access the GET parameters after “?” in Express?

... pass your second segment is your id example: http://localhost:port/sample/123 If you facing problem please use Passing variables as query string using '?' operator app.get('/sample', function(req, res) { var id = req.query.id; ................ }); Get link your like this ex...

Best way to parse command line arguments in C#? [closed]

... master), or their arguments are not flexible (i.e., doesn't support --foo 123 = --foo=123 = -f 123= -f=123 and also -v -h = -vh). – Wernight Nov 28 '12 at 12:13 1 ...

How to create ASP.NET Web API Url?

...ublic IEnumerable<string> Get() { // returns /api/values/123 string url = Url.Route("DefaultApi", new { controller = "values", id = "123" }); return new string[] { "value1", "value2" }; } // GET /api/values/5 public string Get(int id) { retu...

Query-string encoding of a Javascript Object

..."); } console.log(serialize({ foo: "hi there", bar: { blah: 123, quux: [1, 2, 3] } })); // foo=hi%20there&bar%5Bblah%5D=123&bar%5Bquux%5D%5B0%5D=1&bar%5Bquux%5D%5B1%5D=2&bar%5Bquux%5D%5B2%5D=3 ...

In Clojure how can I convert a String to a number?

... will parse the first continuous digit only so user=> (parse-int "10not123") 10 user=> (parse-int "abc10def11") 10 share | improve this answer | follow ...

ERROR 1130 (HY000): Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server [duplicate]

...>use mysql mysql>GRANT ALL ON *.* to root@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'redhat@123'; mysql>FLUSH PRIVILEGES; mysql> SELECT host FROM mysql.user WHERE User = 'root'; share | improve this answer ...

Relational table naming convention [closed]

...D and COMPANY_ID, some of those values will be the same of course. But the 123 from USER_ID is not the same as 123 from COMPANY_ID, because their values are drawn from difference domains. That way it makes sense to name them differently. – Ronnis Mar 19 '19 at ...