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MFC Grid control 2.27 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

... // All information will be accessed Cell states Hide Copy Code GVIS_FOCUSED // Cell has focus GVIS_SELECTED // Cell is selected GVIS_DROPHILITED // Cell is drop highlighted GVIS_READONLY // Cell is read-only and cannot be edited GVIS_FIXED // Cell is fixed GVIS_FIXED...

MFC Grid control 2.27 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

... // All information will be accessed Cell states Hide Copy Code GVIS_FOCUSED // Cell has focus GVIS_SELECTED // Cell is selected GVIS_DROPHILITED // Cell is drop highlighted GVIS_READONLY // Cell is read-only and cannot be edited GVIS_FIXED // Cell is fixed GVIS_FIXED...

MFC Grid control 2.27 - C/C++ - 清泛网移动版 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

... // All information will be accessed Cell states Hide Copy Code GVIS_FOCUSED // Cell has focus GVIS_SELECTED // Cell is selected GVIS_DROPHILITED // Cell is drop highlighted GVIS_READONLY // Cell is read-only and cannot be edited GVIS_FIXED // Cell is fixed GVIS_FIXED...

Use CSS3 transitions with gradient backgrounds

...been some browser releases that supported transitions on gradients (e.g IE10. I tested gradient transitions in 2016 in IE and they seemed to work at the time, but my test code no longer works.) Update: October 2018 Gradient transitions with un-prefixed new syntax [e.g. radial-gradient(...)]now conf...

xkcd style graphs in MATLAB

...nshot, and IMTRANSFORM to get a transformation. %# define plot data x = 1:0.1:10; y1 = sin(x).*exp(-x/3) + 3; y2 = 3*exp(-(x-7).^2/2) + 1; %# plot fh = figure('color','w'); hold on plot(x,y1,'b','lineWidth',3); plot(x,y2,'w','lineWidth',7); plot(x,y2,'r','lineWidth',3); xlim([0.95 10]) ylim([0 5]...

What is the best regular expression to check if a string is a valid URL?

...re in PCRE syntax. For absolute IRIs (internationalized): /^[a-z](?:[-a-z0-9\+\.])*:(?:\/\/(?:(?:%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]|[-a-z0-9\._~\x{A0}-\x{D7FF}\x{F900}-\x{FDCF}\x{FDF0}-\x{FFEF}\x{10000}-\x{1FFFD}\x{20000}-\x{2FFFD}\x{30000}-\x{3FFFD}\x{40000}-\x{4FFFD}\x{50000}-\x{5FFFD}\x{60000}-\x{6FFFD}\x{70000...

How to change the order of DataFrame columns?

...ged as needed. This is what you have now: In [6]: df Out[6]: 0 1 2 3 4 mean 0 0.445598 0.173835 0.343415 0.682252 0.582616 0.445543 1 0.881592 0.696942 0.702232 0.696724 0.373551 0.670208 2 0.662527 0.955193 0.131016 0.609548 0.8046...

Convert light frequency to RGB?

... answered Sep 24 '09 at 15:47 Stephen MesaStephen Mesa 4,31333 gold badges2121 silver badges1616 bronze badges ...

Understanding the Use of ColorMatrix and ColorMatrixColorFilter to Modify a Drawable's Hue

... 10 Answers 10 Active ...

cartesian product in pandas

...f1, df2,on='key')[['col1', 'col2', 'col3']] Output: col1 col2 col3 0 1 3 5 1 1 3 6 2 2 4 5 3 2 4 6 See here for the documentation: http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/merging.html#brief-primer-on-merge-methods-relational-algebra ...