大约有 42,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0235秒) [XML]

Generating a UUID in Postgres for Insert statement?

...afichuk @Karsten and @autronix Also, in modern Postgres, you can simply cast: SELECT md5(random()::text || clock_timestamp()::text)::uuid share | improve this answer | f...

App Inventor 2 Encrypt.Security 安全性扩展:MD5哈希,SHA/AES/RSA/BASE6...

这是关于App Inventor和Thunkable安全性的扩展,它提供MD5哈希,SHA1和SHA256哈希,AES加密/解密,RSA加密/解密,BASE64编码/解码方法。权限此扩展程序不需要任何权限。事件OnErrorOccured抛出任何异常时将触发此事件。此事件中有两个变...

error C2440: \'initializing\' : cannot convert from \'char *\' to \'co...

error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'char *' to 'const class std::basic_string *'error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'char *' to 'const class std::basic_string<char,...error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'char *' to 'const class std::basic_string<char,struct...

How do you create a random string that's suitable for a session ID in PostgreSQL?

...th of the string. PostgreSQL nifty UUID comes with some default operators, castings, and features. share | improve this answer | follow | ...

Nginx缓存解决方案:SRCache - 更多技术 - 泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

Nginx缓存解决方案:SRCache前些天帮别人优化PHP程序,搞得灰头土脸,最后黔驴技穷开启了FastCGI Cache,算是勉强应付过去了吧。不过FastCGI Cache不支持分布式缓存...前些天帮别人优化PHP程序,搞得灰头土脸,最后黔驴技穷开启了Fast...

How to Create Deterministic Guids

... get Warning Bitwise-or operator used on a sign-extended operand; consider casting to a smaller unsigned type first – Sebastian Nov 13 '12 at 9:43 1 ...

[精华] VC中BSTR、Char和CString类型的转换 - C/C++ - 泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

[精华] VC中BSTR、Char和CString类型的转换char*转换成CString,CString转换成char*,BSTR转换成char*,char*转换成BSTR,CString转换成BSTR,BSTR转换成CString,ANSI、Unicode和宽字符之间的转换...1、char*转换成CString 若将char*转换成CString,除了直接...

c++11右值引用、std::move移动语义、std::forward完美转发的一些总结 - C/C...

c++11右值引用、std::move移动语义、std::forward完美转发的一些总结c++11_rvalue_move_forwardstd::move 实际上并不能移动任何东西,它唯一的功能是将一个左值强制转换为右值引用,继而用于移动语义。从实现上讲,它基本等同于一个类型...

ListCtrl 重绘(Custom Draw) - C/C++ - 泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

ListCtrl 重绘(Custom Draw)common control 4.7版本介绍了一个新的特性叫做Custom Draw,这个名字显得模糊不清,让人有点摸不着头脑,而且MSDN里也只给出了一些如风...common control 4.7版本介绍了一个新的特性叫做Custom Draw,这个名字显得...

How to ignore deprecation warnings in Python

...onWarning as an argument to Python. Better though to resolve the issue, by casting to int. (Note that in Python 3.2, deprecation warnings are ignored by default.) share | improve this answer ...