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Get itunes link for app before submitting
I read in another post that you can submit the app without the binary but I based on what I have seen this is no longer possible. It seems you cannot submit without the binary and the binary is submitted through the application loader. Is there any other known way to get the itunes/app store link to...
Transferring ownership of an iPhone app on the app store
My team and I have an app which we're going to be submitting to the store pretty soon, but we know that we'll be selling the app to another company in the near future. Does anyone have any experience with moving an app's ownership to another account?
How to change app name per Gradle build type
I am trying to figure out a way to be able to change my application's app name per build type in gradle.
10 Answers
How to link a Facebook app with an existing fan page
Now that Facebook has depreciated the landing pages for apps , how do I get my app to point to the Fan page for it's landing page?
What happens to my apps after my developer account membership expires? [closed]
When my paid developer membership runs out with Apple, what happens to my existing apps on the app store?
5 Answers
How to move a model between two Django apps (Django 1.7)
...he structure, however now I am further along with Django it has started to appear that my project layout mainly my models are horrible in structure.
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