大约有 6,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0176秒) [XML]
Changing password with Oracle SQL Developer
...make it a little clear :
If the username: abcdef and the old password : a123b456, new password: m987n654
alter user abcdef identified by m987n654 replace a123b456;
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How to use mongoimport to import csv
...of MongoDB?
$ cat > locations.csv
Jane Doe,123 Main St,Whereverville,CA,90210
John Doe,555 Broadway Ave,New York,NY,10010
$ mongoimport -d mydb -c things --type csv --file locations.csv --headerline
connected to:
imported 3 objects
$ mongo
MongoDB sh...
How to measure time taken by a function to execute
...returns the number of microseconds in the fractional (e.g. a value of 1000.123 is 1 second and 123 microseconds).
now() is monotonically increasing. This is important as Date.getTime() can possibly jump forward or even backward on subsequent calls. Notably, if the OS's system time is updated (e.g....
Why doesn't os.path.join() work in this case?
David WoleverDavid Wolever
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...' is ambiguous:符号定义重复2次评论 3全民OS2次评论 4__attribute__2次评论 5海量数据相似度计算之simhash和海...2次评论 6C++使用OLE/COM高速读写EXCEL的...
What are the differences between virtual memory and physical memory?
...l memory address. Imagine software had spat out an address of 45 with data 123, and OS had stored it in location 2012 and created an entry in the map, mapping 45 to 2012. If the software is now moved in memory, what used to be at location 2012 will no longer be at 2012, but in a new location, and OS...
Python os.path.join on Windows
To be even more pedantic, the most python doc consistent answer would be:
mypath = os.path.jo...
Locate Git installation folder on Mac OS X
The installer from the git homepage installs into /usr/local/git by default. See also this ans...
BLE UUID是对的但连接闪退:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: UUID str...
How to set up Android emulator proxy settings
... to use with a HTTP client:
// proxy
private static final String PROXY = "";
// proxy host
private static final HttpHost PROXY_HOST = new HttpHost(PROXY, 8080);
HttpParams httpParameters = new BasicHttpParams();
DefaultHttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(httpParameters);