大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0505秒) [XML]


How do I mock a service that returns promise in AngularJS Jasmine unit test?

...ce; beforeEach(module('app.myService')); beforeEach(inject( function(_myService_, myOtherService, $q){ myService = _myService_; spyOn(myOtherService, "makeRemoteCallReturningPromise").and.callFake(function() { var deferred = $q.defer(); deferred.resolve('Remote call res...

Count Rows in Doctrine QueryBuilder

... He accepted your answer so I guess all is well. I was under the impression that he only wanted a count without the overhead of actually retrieving the rows which my example shows. There is of course no reason why where conditions could not be added. ...

Android Studio - How to increase Allocated Heap Size

...ge. The memory usage indicated at the bottom right of the program says my allocated heap is maxed at 494M. 22 Answers ...

Where to find extensions installed folder for Google Chrome on Mac?

... You can find all Chrome extensions in below location. /Users/{mac_user}/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Extensions share | ...

Listening for variable changes in JavaScript

...ve an array of listeners instead of a single one and then instead of just calling this.aListener(val), you would have to loop through all listener functions and call each one passing val. Typically, the method is called addListener instead of registerListener. – Akira ...

std::unique_lock or std::lock_guard?

...er you need to relock the guard. std::unique_lock has other features that allow it to e.g.: be constructed without locking the mutex immediately but to build the RAII wrapper (see here). std::lock_guard also provides a convenient RAII wrapper, but cannot lock multiple mutexes safely. It can be us...

Is there an easy way to pickle a python function (or otherwise serialize its code)?

... You could serialise the function bytecode and then reconstruct it on the caller. The marshal module can be used to serialise code objects, which can then be reassembled into a function. ie: import marshal def foo(x): return x*x code_string = marshal.dumps(foo.func_code) Then in the remote proc...

Performance of Find() vs. FirstOrDefault() [duplicate]

...ject an anonmyous data item just for compilation List<\u003C\u003Ef__AnonymousType0<string>> source = Enumerable.ToList(Enumerable.Select(Enumerable.Range(0, 1000000), i => { var local_0 = new { Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() }; return local_...

Dictionaries and default values

...collections import defaultdict a = defaultdict(lambda: "default", key="some_value") a["blabla"] => "default" a["key"] => "some_value" You can pass any ordinary function instead of lambda: from collections import defaultdict def a(): return 4 b = defaultdict(a, key="some_value") b['absent...

Javascript - sort array based on another array

...to do with "optimization", unless the volume of data is guaranteed to be small (which may be the case here). – Julien Royer Nov 9 '12 at 9:36 2 ...