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Vim: Move window left/right?
... possible to “move” a window to the left or right? Eg, similar to <c-w> r or <c-w> x , but left/right instead of up/down?
Incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘malloc’
Install Marketplace plugin on Eclipse Juno
I downloaded the Eclipse Juno 4.2 classic bundle , and saw that Help > Marketplace... was not available. AFAIK, this is provided by the mpc plugin. On their website however, I didn't see a trace of how to install the mpc client for Juno.
why unaligned apk is needed?
Android gradle produces apk in two binaries: unaligned and aligned.
2 Answers
Open a file from Cygwin
Is there an equivalent to OSX open command in cygwin. open opens a file with the default application for that type.
7 A...
Visual Studio support for new C / C++ standards?
I keep reading about C99 and C++11 and all these totally sweet things that are getting added to the language standard that might be nice to use someday. However, we currently languish in the land of writing C++ in Visual Studio.
Objective-C Runtime: best way to check if class conforms to protocol?
I have a Class (but no instance) and need to know if it conforms to a certain protocol. However, Class can be subclassed several times and class_conformsToProtocol() ignores protocols declared on superclasses.
brew install gcc too time consuming
I'm doing a clean install of Mavericks, and accidentally did
1 Answer
Rails: around_* callbacks
I have read the documentation at http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Callbacks.html , but don't understand when the around_* callbacks are triggered in relation to before_* and after_* .
What command opens Ruby's REPL?
What command opens Ruby's REPL?
2 Answers