大约有 19,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0252秒) [XML]


搭建高可用mongodb集群(二)—— 副本集 - 大数据 & AI - 清泛网 - 专注C/...

...切换连接?目前需要手工切换。 主节点的读写压力过大如何解决? 从节点每个上面的数据都是对数据库全量拷贝,从节点压力会不会过大? 数据压力大到机器支撑不了的时候能否做到自动扩展? 这篇文章看完这些问题就...

How to log SQL statements in Grails

...6Spy. B) look at it on database level. For example really easy to do with mysql. Find out where you general_log_file is. Active general log if no activated already. mysql command line> show variables like "%general_log%"; mysql command line> set global general_log = true; Now everything i...

MYSQL Dump only certain rows

I am trying to do a mysql dump of a few rows in my database. I can then use the dump to upload those few rows into another database. The code I have is working, but it dumps everything. How can I get mysqldump to only dump certain rows of a table? ...

How to make MySQL handle UTF-8 properly

... my database can handle UTF-8 characters correctly. How I can do this with MySQL? 14 Answers ...

Generating a random & unique 8 character string using MySQL

I'm working on a game which involves vehicles at some point. I have a MySQL table named "vehicles" containing the data about the vehicles, including the column "plate" which stores the License Plates for the vehicles. ...

MySQL, Check if a column exists in a table with SQL

I am trying to write a query that will check if a specific table in MySQL has a specific column, and if not — create it. Otherwise do nothing. This is really an easy procedure in any enterprise-class database, yet MySQL seems to be an exception. ...

Activity启动器(ActivityStarter)如何查看并启动其他App · App Inventor 2 中文网

... Activity启动器(ActivityStarter)如何查看并启动其他App App包名和类名的查看 不同品牌手机可能略有不同 « 返回 App包名和类名的查看 由 App Inventor 2 创建的应用要弄...

Installing PDO driver on MySQL Linux server

...o install the necessary PDO parts from apt using sudo apt-get install php5-mysql There is no limitation between using PDO and mysql_ simultaneously. You will however need to create two connections to your DB, one with mysql_ and one using PDO. ...

how to mysqldump remote db from local machine

I need to do a mysqldump of a database on a remote server, but the server does not have mysqldump installed. I would like to use the mysqldump on my machine to connect to the remote database and do the dump on my machine. ...

PDB文件:每个开发人员都必须知道的 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...该都知道PDB文件是用来帮助软件的调试的。但是他究竟是如何工作的呢,我们可能并不熟悉。本文描述了PDB文件的存储和内容。同时还描 述了debugger如何找到binay相应的PDB文件,以及debugger如何找到与binay对应的源代码文件。本文...