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Is it possible to change the location of packages for NuGet?

... It's now possible to control which folder the packages are installed into. http://nuget.codeplex.com/workitem/215 Edit: See Phil Haack's comment on Dec 10 2010 at 11:45 PM (in the work item/the link above). The support is parti...

What static analysis tools are available for C#? [closed]

What tools are there available for static analysis against C# code? I know about FxCop and StyleCop. Are there others? I've run across NStatic before but it's been in development for what seems like forever - it's looking pretty slick from what little I've seen of it, so it would be nice if it would...

Does Dart support enumerations?

... constants within the class are compile time constants, and this class can now be used in, for example, switch statements: var a = Fruit.APPLE; switch (a) { case Fruit.APPLE: print('Yes!'); break; } share ...

Ruby optional parameters

...s = nil) scope ||= LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE ... do something ... end Now if you call the method as above, the behaviour will be as you expect. share | improve this answer | ...

How do I format date and time on ssrs report?

... =Format(Now(), "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt") Output: 04/12/2013 05:09 PM share | improve this answer | follow ...

Re-sign IPA (iPhone)

...is built into the binary, so you can only resign using the same app ID. I know I was not able to resign with a different app ID. – Michael Baltaks Dec 5 '11 at 21:12 ...

Format timedelta to string

... As you know, you can get the total_seconds from a timedelta object by accessing the .seconds attribute. Python provides the builtin function divmod() which allows for: s = 13420 hours, remainder = divmod(s, 3600) minutes, seconds =...

Do DOM tree elements with ids become global variables?

...ed elements as properties of the window object. This is doubly bad in that now you have to avoid naming your elements after any member of either the document or the window object you (or any other library code in your project) might want to use. It also means that these elements are visible as glob...

Are memory leaks ever ok? [closed]

... Now consider a few dozen of this allocations. Now consider having to move the "main" body to routine that gets called multiple times. Enjoy. - I agree with the sentiment that it's nto such a big problem in this scenario, but...

Stashing only staged changes in git - is it possible?

...king directory (still in state staged). Run git stash push -m "good stash" Now your "good stash" has ONLY staged files. Now if you need unstaged files before stash, simply apply first stash (the one created with --keep-index) and now you can remove files you stashed to "good stash". Enjoy ...