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How to optimize for-comprehensions and loops in Scala?

...load for extended periods. A similar pimp for List also resulted in about 10% better performance. val ra = (1 to 20).toArray def isDivis(x:Int) = ra forall2 {x % _ == 0} case class PimpedSeq[A](s: IndexedSeq[A]) { def forall2 (p: A => Boolean): Boolean = { var i = 0 ...

How to make a element expand or contract to its parent container?

...e 10 units. After that, however large you scale the SVG, the rect will be 10% the width of the image. share | improve this answer | follow | ...

I've found my software as cracked download on Internet, what to do?

...atabase schemas to various formats. This product had slightly less (around 10% less, so 40%) conversion from the page I redirected the bogus keys to. I also am aware of several business owners that did the same experiment and discussed the results with me in private. These were a wide range of prod...

Unit testing code with a file system dependency

...s much as they can which may not be 100% coverage. In fact, it may only be 10%. The point is, your unit tests should be fast and have no external dependencies. They might test cases like "this method throws an ArgumentNullException when you pass in null for this parameter". I would then add integra...

Why do people say that Ruby is slow? [closed]

...t statement is a bit broad. If you'd need to set up a new server for every 10% traffic increase or so with some 100 visits per day, the customer would clearly have a right to complain. Realistically though, you usually need to have a lot more traffic to begin with and increase that by an order of ma...

Why is extending native objects a bad practice?

...well-programmed and they work like a charm, but they are big. You use only 10% of them, and understand about 1%. That's why I prefer an atomistic approach, where you only require what you really need. This way, you always know what happens. The micro-libraries only do what you want them to do, so t...

Performance of Arrays vs. Lists

...s some intelligence in the VM to optimize the Array/for loop approximately 10% better than the other cases. – David Schmitt Jan 18 '09 at 11:06 2 ...

What is the difference between `sorted(list)` vs `list.sort()`?

...he older more popular answer here, here the increase in time is only about 10% >>> timeit.repeat("lst[:].sort()", setup=setup, number = 10000) [572.919036605, 573.1384446719999, 568.5923951] >>> timeit.repeat("sorted(lst[:])", setup=setup, number = 10000) [647.0584738299999, 653.4...

UDP vs TCP, how much faster is it? [closed]

... as soon as I'd launch a background download, I'd start to get some (maybe 10%-20%). This was about 5 years ago though, and faster internet connections may help. – Orion Edwards Mar 29 '13 at 18:52 ...

Is it good style to explicitly return in Ruby?

...less than 10 lines long. Given that, one would wonder why he has to write ~10% more statements, when they are clearly implied. Since Ruby doesn't have void methods and everything is that much more concise, you are just adding overhead for none of the benefits if you go with explicit returns. ...