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新手程序员应该知道的7件事 - 创意 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术


Why does the order of the loops affect performance when iterating over a 2D array?

...ht? No: because of caches. Data from your memory gets brought over to the CPU in little chunks (called 'cache lines'), typically 64 bytes. If you have 4-byte integers, that means you're geting 16 consecutive integers in a neat little bundle. It's actually fairly slow to fetch these chunks of memory...

国务院:网速提40%流量不清零 三运营商尚未回应 - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C+...

...用户的要求还是有一定差距。 闻库当时解释,当前资费高的原因是很多方面的,主因为市场供给不足,4G投资还没有见效益,成本降低和充分竞争还有进一步的推动空间。闻库表示,工信部还积极引入民资进入通信市场,希望...

The OutputPath property is not set for this project

... In my case, building a proj file, the difference between any cpuand anycpu was the issue, but your post helped me see that. – Joshua Drake May 9 '17 at 20:55 2 ...

Why would introducing useless MOV instructions speed up a tight loop in x86_64 assembly?

...ome work in that area. But we're talking a minimum of 5-10 minutes of 100% CPU to compile, and the resulting optimizations would probably be CPU core model and even core or microcode revision specific. – AdamIerymenko Jul 27 '13 at 19:16 ...

低效程序员的7个坏习惯 - 创意 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...le的Charles解释道,“低效的工程师会错误地表征用户体验问题为其他人的问题。” 遗憾的是,似乎很多软件工程师都持有这种态度,这也是为什么企业要寻求能够移情和了解他人问题的代码战士。 “雇主正在竭力寻找那些拥有...

30条爆笑的程序员梗 PHP是最好的语言 - 轻松一刻 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...:你可以走了。 我感到很诧异。 我:为什么问这样的问题? 民警:深夜还在街上走,寒酸苦逼的样子,不是小偷就是程序员。 14.烦恼 程序猿最烦两件事,第一件事是别人要他给自己的代码写文档,第二件呢?是别人的程序没...

How efficient is locking an unlocked mutex? What is the cost of a mutex?

...bugging. Simple table: Less locks means more contentions (slow syscalls, CPU stalls) and lesser parallelism Less locks means less problems debugging multi-threading problems. More locks means less contentions and higher parallelism More locks means more chances of running into undebugable deadlock...

窝窝与众美联合并 新公司命名“众美窝窝” - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...并殊途同归,但更直接,并且在O2O平台用户忠诚度普遍不高的行业环境下,窝窝这种合并获得的用户,其忠诚度要高得多,因为用户最终忠于的还是商家。 看点二 并购而非入股 做大想象空间 窝窝对众美联本次的股权合作是并...

C++虚继承的概念 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...的同名的数据成员在内存中有不同的拷贝造成数据不一致问题,将共同基类设置为虚基类。这时从...C++中虚拟继承的概念 为了解决从不同途径继承来的同名的数据成员在内存中有不同的拷贝造成数据不一致问题,将共同基类设...