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Parse config files, environment, and command-line arguments, to get a single collection of options

...d-line argument parsing ( argparse ). I want to write a program that does all those, and also: 11 Answers ...

How to become an OpenCart guru? [closed]

It seems like they have no documentation except some api calls on their official forums. I have experience with Zend framework and CodeIgniter framework. Can any OpenCart masters recommend me the best way to learn it and master in shortest amount of time? I have to do a big project with it soon. ...

How to determine the version of the C++ standard used by the compiler?

... By my knowledge there is no overall way to do this. If you look at the headers of cross platform/multiple compiler supporting libraries you'll always find a lot of defines that use compiler specific constructs to determine such things: /*Define Microsoft V...

How to use the pass statement?

... I really don't think this properly answers the question. Citing one possible use for something, even if it is the most common use for it, is not the same as explaining what it is for. – Schilcote ...

What Process is using all of my disk IO

If I use "top" I can see what CPU is busy and what process is using all of my CPU. 7 Answers ...

What __init__ and self do on Python?

...to declare it explicitly. When you create an instance of the A class and call its methods, it will be passed automatically, as in ... a = A() # We do not pass any argument to the __init__ method a.method_a('Sailor!') # We only pass a single argument The __init__ method is roughly w...

Can you give a Django app a verbose name for use throughout the admin?

...h to the appropriate AppConfig subclass to be configured explicitly in INSTALLED_APPS. Example: INSTALLED_APPS = [ # ...snip... 'yourapp.apps.YourAppConfig', ] Then alter your AppConfig as listed below. Django 1.7 As stated by rhunwicks' comment to OP, this is now possible out of the ...

What is __stdcall?

... __stdcall is the calling convention used for the function. This tells the compiler the rules that apply for setting up the stack, pushing arguments and getting a return value. There are a number of other calling conventions, __cd...

What does the restrict keyword mean in C++?

... A restrict-qualified pointer (or reference)... ! ...is basically a promise to the compiler that for the scope of the pointer, the target of the pointer will only be accessed through that pointer (and pointers copied from it). In C++ compilers that support it i...

What is a “callable”?

...t's clear what a metaclass is , there is an associated concept that I use all the time without knowing what it really means. ...