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Why do people say that Ruby is slow? [closed]

...None of this stuff is Ruby. Finally, I can't find much news on Ruby 2.0 - I take it we're a good few years away from that then? Most folks are waiting for Ruby 1.9.1. I myself am waiting for Rails 3.1 on Ruby 1.9.1 on JRuby. Finally, please remember that a lot of developers choose Ruby ...

Backing beans (@ManagedBean) or CDI Beans (@Named)?

...e protected versus public. But that doesn't really count. At least, in JSF 2.0/2.1, the major disadvantage of managing JSF backing beans by CDI is that there's no CDI equivalent of @ViewScoped. The @ConversationScoped comes close, but still requires manually starting and stopping and it appends an u...

How to implement a secure REST API with node.js

... I read a lot about oauth 1.0 and oauth 2.0 and both versions seems not very secure. Wikipedia wrote that are some security leaks in oauth 1.0. Also i found a article that about one of the core developer leave the team becouse oauth 2.0 is to unsecure. ...

ASP.NET MVC A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client when using a cus

..., insert the httpRuntime element with the attribute requestValidationMode="2.0". Also add the validateRequest="false" attribute in the pages element. <configuration> <system.web> <httpRuntime requestValidationMode="2.0" /> </system.web> <pages validateRequest="fa...

Better way of incrementing build number?

...g-version <your_specific_version> Ex: Update the version number to 2.0 xcrun agvtool new-marketing-version 2.0 Updating the Build Number To automatically increment your build number, run xcrun agvtool next-version -all To set the build number of your application to a specific version,...

How can I avoid Java code in JSP files, using JSP 2?

...rom presentation logic, and will make your pages easier to evolve into JSP 2.0-style pages (JSP 2.0 Specification supports but de-emphasizes the use of scriptlets). ... In the spirit of adopting the model-view-controller (MVC) design pattern to reduce coupling between the presentation tier...

The provider is not compatible with the version of Oracle client

... Also, I was using the latest version of ODAC ( on my development machine, and the only files I needed were: oci.dll, Oracle.DataAccess.dll, oraociei11.dll, OraOps11w.dll. As Chris points out, MAKE SURE THEY'RE IN THE SAME FOLDER AS YOUR EXECUTABLE. ;-) ...

nServiceBus vs Mass Transit vs Rhino Service Bus vs other?

...hink it would be much more accurate if you did not tout the solution (post 2.0) as open source. – Eric J. May 10 '12 at 6:46  |  show 4 more c...

OAuth secrets in mobile apps

... With OAUth 2.0, you can store the secret on the server. Use the server to acquire an access token that you then move to the app and you can make calls from the app to the resource directly. With OAuth 1.0 (Twitter), the secret is requ...

Phase • Animations made easy! - Extensions - Kodular Community

... D Wallpapers 2.0 🔥 What do you get if you cross Kodular with Arkanoid? ...