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Creating a new empty branch for a new project

...branches departing from the original branch. But now we want to create a small new project to track some documentation. For that we would want to create a new empty branch to start storing our files, and I would want other users of the network to clone that branch. ...

browser sessionStorage. share between tabs?

...nStorage data from one tab to another. This code would need to exist on ALL tabs. It should execute before your other scripts. // transfers sessionStorage from one tab to another var sessionStorage_transfer = function(event) { if(!event) { event = window.event; } // ie suq if(!event.newValu...

How to open a new window on form submit

... No need for Javascript, you just have to add a target="_blank" attribute in your form tag. <form target="_blank" action="http://example.com" method="post" id="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" name="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" class="validate" > ...

How can I use xargs to copy files that have spaces and quotes in their names?

... You can combine all of that into a single find command: find . -iname "*foobar*" -exec cp -- "{}" ~/foo/bar \; This will handle filenames and directories with spaces in them. You can use -name to get case-sensitive results. Note: The ...

Can I have an IF block in DOS batch file?

...t, and the opening parenthesis. I am setting @echo off to keep from seeing all of the statements printed to the console as they execute, and instead just see the output of those that specifically begin with echo. I'm using the built-in ERRORLEVEL variable just as a test. Read more here ...

Ioc/DI - Why do I have to reference all layers/assemblies in application's entry point?

...ple in unit testing. However, in a loosely coupled application, by moving all the references to the Composition Root, the dependency graph is severely flattened: As illustrated by the green color, it's now possible to reuse Library C without dragging along any unwanted dependencies. However, al...

What is default color for text in textview?

...ion, text color defined by theme is not inherited by TextView added dynamically from code. It always appears in white regardless of dark/light theme. – shiouming Dec 20 '17 at 23:54 ...

Is git good with binary files?

...aningful diffs, or merge binary files in any way that could make sense. So all merges, rebases or cherrypicks involving a change to a binary file will involve you making a manual conflict resolution on that binary file. You need to decide whether the binary file changes are rare enough that you can...

android: move a view on touch move (ACTION_MOVE)

...ss MyActivity extends Activity implements View.OnTouchListener { TextView _view; ViewGroup _root; private int _xDelta; private int _yDelta; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); _root = (ViewGroup...

Why does changing the returned variable in a finally block not change the return value?

...atement executes is the value returned by the method. The fact that the finally clause later changes the value of s (after the return statement completes) does not (at that point) change the return value. Note that the above deals with changes to the value of s itself in the finally block, not to th...