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Memcached下一站:HandlerSocket! - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...线程了: mysql> SHOW PROCESSLIST; 也可以通过查询刚配置的端口是否已经被MySQL占用来确认是否安装成功: shell> lsof -i :9998 shell> lsof -i :9999 完活儿!现在你的MySQL已经具备NoSQL的能力了! 实战 首先创建一个测试用的表: CREA...

Understanding Apache's access log

...r}i\" \"%{User-agent}i\"" combined %h is the remote host (ie the client IP) %l is the identity of the user determined by identd (not usually used since not reliable) %u is the user name determined by HTTP authentication %t is the time the request was received. %r is the request line from the clie...

Check if two linked lists merge. If so, where?

...fy this). Reason is both pointers have to travel same distances head1-> IP + head2->IP before reaching IP again. So by the time it reaches IP, both pointers will be equal and we have the merging point. – adev Jul 28 '17 at 5:37 ...

How can I connect to a Tor hidden service using cURL in PHP?

...evel domain specifically for use by Tor and such domains by design have no IP addresses to map to. Using CURLPROXY_SOCKS5 will direct the cURL command to send its traffic to the proxy, but will not do the same for domain name resolution. The DNS requests, which are emitted before cURL attempts to e...

汇编语言超浓缩教程(汇编入门必备) - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术


HTTP Basic Authentication credentials passed in URL and encryption

... Yes, yes yes. The entire communication (save for the DNS lookup if the IP for the hostname isn't already cached) is encrypted when SSL is in use. share | improve this answer | ...

How do I delete all messages from a single queue using the CLI?

...ate but for others reference, this can be done with pika import pika host_ip = #host ip channel = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(host_ip, 5672, "/", credentials=pika.Pl...

How do you discover model attributes in Rails?

... current_sign_in_at: datetime, last_sign_in_at: datetime, current_sign_in_ip: string, last_sign_in_ip: string, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime)" Alternatively, having run rake db:create and rake db:migrate for your development environment, the file db/schema.rb will contain the author...

What is the strict aliasing rule?

...an example that should not be surprising (live example): int x = 10; int *ip = &x; std::cout << *ip << "\n"; *ip = 12; std::cout << x << "\n"; We have a int* pointing to memory occupied by an int and this is a valid aliasing. The optimizer must assume that assignments...

How to write a scalable Tcp/Ip based server

...design phase of writing a new Windows Service application that accepts TCP/IP connections for long running connections (i.e. this is not like HTTP where there are many short connections, but rather a client connects and stays connected for hours or days or even weeks). ...