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Maven error: Could not find or load main class org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher

...ing the above mentioned error, be sure that you have downloaded the Binary file. The source file should only be downloaded if you are an advanced user and that you know how to deal with it. I have had quite a share of people downloading the wrong file, seniors and juniors ...

What is Java Servlet?

...oice of the term "server" is historical: the first such arrangements were "file servers", where multiple user/client terminals would ask for a specific file from a central machine, and this file would then be "served up" like a book or a plate of fish and chips. ...

How to secure MongoDB with username and password

...-comment the line that starts with #auth=true in your mongod configuration file (default path /etc/mongo.conf). This will enable authentication for mongodb. Then, restart mongodb : sudo service mongod restart share ...

How to move all files including hidden files into parent directory via *

...t of solutions on this in UNIX & Linux's answer to How do you move all files (including hidden) from one directory to another?. It shows solutions in Bash, zsh, ksh93, standard (POSIX) sh, etc. You can use these two commands together: mv /path/subfolder/* /path/ # your current approach mv ...

Using crontab to execute script every minute and another every 24 hours [closed]

...xecuted I recommend copy & pasting that into the top of your crontab file so that you always have the reference handy. RedHat systems are setup that way by default. To run something every minute: * * * * * username /var/www/html/a.php To run something at midnight of every day: 0 0 * * * u...

正确重置MySQL密码 - 数据库(内核) - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...需要把用到的SQL语句保存到一个文本文件里(/path/to/init/file): UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('...') WHERE User='...' AND Host= '...'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; 接着使用init-file参数启动MySQL服务, shell> /etc/init.d/mysql stop shell> mysqld_safe --init-file=/p...

正确重置MySQL密码 - 爬虫/数据库 - 清泛IT社区,为创新赋能!

...需要把用到的SQL语句保存到一个文本文件里(/path/to/init/file):UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('...') WHERE User='...' AND Host= '...'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;接着使用init-file参数启动MySQL服务,shell> /etc/init.d/mysql stop shell> mysqld_safe --init-file=/p...

Managing CSS Explosion

... This is a very good question. Everywhere I look, CSS files tend to get out of control after a while—especially, but not only, when working in a team. The following are the rules I myself am trying to adhere to (not that I always manage to.) Refactor early, refactor often. ...

How does Windows 8 Runtime (WinRT / Windows Store apps / Windows 10 Universal App) compare to Silver

...ery COM component had them. For WinRT, the metadata is contained in .winmd files - look inside "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\Windows Metadata\" in Developer Preview. If you poke around, you'll see that they are actually CLI assemblies with no code, just metadata tables. You can open them ...

Composer killed while updating

...y limitations shouldn't be as severe. Upload or git push the composer.lock file. Run composer install on the live server. composer install will then read from the .lock file, fetching the exact same versions every time rather than finding the latest versions of every package. This makes your app le...