大约有 17,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0229秒) [XML]


PHP: If internet explorer 6, 7, 8 , or 9

I want to do a conditional in PHP for the different versions of Internet Explorer along the lines of: 17 Answers ...

Escaping single quote in PHP when inserting into MySQL [duplicate]

...se strings (in both snippets) with mysql_real_escape_string(). http://us3.php.net/mysql-real-escape-string The reason your two queries are behaving differently is likely because you have magic_quotes_gpc turned on (which you should know is a bad idea). This means that strings gathered from $_GET,...

腾讯Tencent开源框架介绍(持续更新) - 开源 & Github - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...,对性能监控项的异常数据进行采集和分析,输出相应的问题分析、定位与优化建议,从而帮助开发者开发出更高质量的应用。当前工具监控范围包括:崩溃、卡顿和爆内存。 6、分布式及事务: https://github.com/Tencent/phxpaxos ...

PHP convert XML to JSON

I am trying to convert xml to json in php. If I do a simple convert using simple xml and json_encode none of the attributes in the xml show. ...

Create subdomains on the fly with .htaccess (PHP)

...s is done in the ServerAlias DOCs Then extract and verify the subdomain in PHP and display the appropriate data The long version 1. Create a wildcard DNS entry In your DNS settings you need to create a wildcard domain entry such as *.example.org. A wildcard entry looks like this: *.example.org....

CodeIgniter: Create new helper?

... A CodeIgniter helper is a PHP file with multiple functions. It is not a class Create a file and put the following code into it. <?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); if ( ! function_exists('test_method')) { ...

How do I get class name in PHP?

... Since PHP 5.5 you can use class name resolution via ClassName::class. See new features of PHP5.5. <?php namespace Name\Space; class ClassName {} echo ClassName::class; ?> If you want to use this feature in your class ...

How to get the file extension in PHP? [duplicate]

... 'Only variables should be passed by reference', the PHP Manual – dader Dec 20 '12 at 2:01 ...

How to save an HTML5 Canvas as an image on a server?

... server via Ajax $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "script.php", data: { imgBase64: dataURL } }).done(function(o) { console.log('saved'); // If you want the file to be visible in the browser // - please modify the callback in javascript. ...

Warning “Do not Access Superglobal $_POST Array Directly” on Netbeans 7.4 for PHP

I've got this message warning on Netbeans 7.4 for PHP while I'm using $_POST , $_GET , $_SERVER , .... 5 Answers ...