大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0672秒) [XML]
JNI converting jstring to char *
concerning your problem you can use this
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_ClassName_MethodName(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jstring javaString)
const char *nativeString = env->GetStringUTFChars(javaString, 0);
// use your string
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(javaString, nat...
String formatting: % vs. .format vs. string literal
...ated. And Python, not being a lazy language, evaluates expressions before calling functions, so in your log.debug example, the expression "some debug info: %s"%some_infowill first evaluate to, e.g. "some debug info: roflcopters are active", then that string will be passed to log.debug().
Utils to read resource text file to String (Java) [closed]
Guys, don't use 3rd party stuff unless you really need that. There is a lot of functionality in the JDK already.
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How to get the system uptime in Windows? [closed]
...and line utility checks and displays various system statistics such as installation date, installed hotfixes and more.
Open a Command Prompt and type the following command:
You can also narrow down the results to just the line you need:
systeminfo | find "System Boot Time:"
3: By ...
Convert JavaScript string in dot notation into an object reference
...k themselves the question "why am I doing this?"
It is of course generally fine to do this if your use case is small and you will not run into performance issues, AND you won't need to build upon your abstraction to make it more complicated later. In fact, if this will reduce code complexity an...
How to make a Java Generic method static?
...urn value always introduce (declare) a new generic type variable.
Additionally, type variables between types (ArrayUtils) and static methods (appendToArray) never interfere with each other.
So, what does this mean:
In my answer <E> would hide the E from ArrayUtils<E> if the method woul...
Facebook Android Generate Key Hash
... answered Mar 15 '11 at 0:02
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What are five things you hate about your favorite language? [closed]
...ld be matched to another NULL value. If you understand this (what also is called ternary logic) than you might understand the reason for introducing the "IS" operator for testing against NULL.
– Alex
Aug 26 '10 at 16:58
“Unknown class in Interface Builder file” error at runtime
...th it, and prints the warning.
By default, Objective-C targets will have -all_load -ObjC flags set by default, which will keep all of the symbols. But I had started with a C++ target, and didn't have that. Nevertheless, I found a way around this, which keeps the linker aggressive.
The hack I was...
pyplot axes labels for subplots
... be created before ax1 and ax2, otherwise the big plot will cover up the small plots.
– 1''
Nov 29 '14 at 21:06