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How to change string into QString?

...QString::fromStdString(str); If by string you mean Ascii encoded const char * then you can use this method: QString QString::fromAscii(const char * str, int size = -1) const char* str = "Hello world"; QString qstr = QString::fromAscii(str); If you have const char * encoded with system enco...

What is the difference between static_cast and C style casting?

...situations where all that is needed is a simple conversion. The ability to select between several different casting operators of differing degrees of power can prevent programmers from inadvertently casting to an incorrect type. ...

xtree(1796): warning C4800: “int”: 将值强制为布尔值“true”或“false...

...ng,CPTCensorStatusItem *>>,false>, 1> _Ty1=std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char>>, 1> _Ty2=CPTCensorStatusItem *, 1> _Valty=std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char>>,CPTCensorStatusItem *> 1> ...

How to raise a ValueError?

I have this code which finds the largest index of a specific character in a string, however I would like it to raise a ValueError when the specified character does not occur in a string. ...

How can I increment a char?

I'm new to Python, coming from Java and C. How can I increment a char? In Java or C, chars and ints are practically interchangeable, and in certain loops, it's very useful to me to be able to do increment chars, and index arrays by chars. ...

How to create CSV Excel file C#? [closed]

...Object = obj; var line = String.Join(delimeter, propertyInfos.Select(x =&gt; SanitizeValuesForCSV(x.GetValue(localObject, null), delimeter))); sb.AppendLine(line); } return sb.ToString(); } private static string SanitizeValuesForCSV(object value, s...

Single quotes vs. double quotes in C or C++

... In C and in C++ single quotes identify a single character, while double quotes create a string literal. 'a' is a single a character literal, while "a" is a string literal containing an 'a' and a null terminator (that is a 2 char array). In C++ the type of a character lite...

How to make vim paste from (and copy to) system's clipboard?

...system clipboard. On X11 systems both registers can be used. See :help x11-selection for more details, but basically the "* is analogous to X11's _PRIMARY_ selection (which usually copies things you select with the mouse and pastes with the middle mouse button) and "+ is analogous to X11's _CLIPBOAR...

char类型移动跨平台踩过的坑 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注IT技能提升

char类型移动跨平台踩过的坑CFLAG-fsigned-charchar强转int时,发现在x86平台下是按照有符号处理的,但是在ARM32下被当成了无符号导致问题,ARM64正常有符号。经调查,在PC上,char类型默认为signed-char,但是在一些嵌入式设备 char强转...

char类型移动跨平台踩过的坑 - C/C++ - 清泛网移动版 - 专注IT技能提升

char类型移动跨平台踩过的坑CFLAG-fsigned-charchar强转int时,发现在x86平台下是按照有符号处理的,但是在ARM32下被当成了无符号导致问题,ARM64正常有符号。经调查,在PC上,char类型默认为signed-char,但是在一些嵌入式设备 char强转...