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【可动态编辑表格】App Inventor 2 Dynamic Editable HTML Table - App应用...

olor=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54)This example will allow you to: Display an AI2 (in csv format e.g. header row, then data rows) list in an html table. It will also allow you (with the exception of the header row) to create new rows, edit any row,  and delete any row, whilst returning the saved/upd...

Appinventor的人工智能组件在哪里? - App Inventor 2 中文网 - 清泛IT社区,为创新赋能!

...hatBot”及“ImageBot”组件。 都是调用ChatGPT,第一个是AI对话,第二个是AI绘图。 更多指导,请查看中文文档:https://www.fun123.cn/reference/ ... mental.html#ChatBot 另外,除了调用ChatGPT外,还有很多拓展可以自行训练AI数据集,自...

搭建高可用mongodb集群(一)——配置mongodb - 大数据 & AI - 清泛网 - 专...

...成功! [initandlisten] db version v2.4.6 …….. [initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 27017 [websvr] admin web console waiting for connections on port 28017 mongodb默认自带提供了web访问接口,通过 IP + 端口的形式可以访问。 二...

搭建高可用mongodb集群(三)—— 深入副本集内部机制 - 大数据 & AI - 清...

...这么描述: We use a consensus protocol to pick a primary. Exact details will be spared here but that basic process is: get maxLocalOpOrdinal from each server. if a majority of servers are not up (from this server’s POV), remain in Secondary mode and stop. if the last op time se...

数据挖掘——分词入门 - 大数据 & AI - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...分词: public class TestPositiveMatch { public static void main(String[] args) { String str = "我爱这个中华人民共和国大家庭"; List normalDict = new ArrayList(); normalDict.add(""); normalDict.add("爱"); normalDict.add("中华...

JAVA线程池管理及分布式HADOOP调度框架搭建 - 人工智能(AI) - 清泛IT社区,...

...处理速度:package thread; import java.util.Vector; public class OneMain {        public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {             Vector list = new Vector(100);         &n...

What's the equivalent of use-commit-times for git?

... no longer modified (Git 2.2.2+, January 2015): "git checkout - how can I maintain timestamps when switching branches?".) The long answer was: I think you're much better off just using multiple repositories instead, if this is something common. Messing with timestamps is not going to work in gen...

90后创业四年:曾经觉得不公 后来愿赌服输 - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...的手段虽然不太高明,却是做产品最好的方法,成本非常,一两天就能做出来,而且它们把这个产品推向娱乐化,娱乐到极致。我的总结是,一定要站在用户的角度来做产品。 我现在在做一个音乐图片社交产品“听画”,它...

Android应用开发性能优化完全分析 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...,因为技术在发展,工具在强大(写着写着Android Studio 1.4版本都推送了),自己的经验也在增加,所以本文自然不会覆盖所有性能优化及分析;解决的办法就是该文章会长期维护更新,同时在评论区欢迎你关于性能优化点子的探...

AI2 SideBar Extension

...d functions can be triggered by a button. With larger apps, however, the available space quickly decreases and the layout becomes confusing. A side bar can help here. There are a number of implementations, but I haven't found a sufficiently extensive one and developed one myself. Almost all proper...