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How to add a WiX custom action that happens only on uninstall (via MSI)?

I would like to modify an MSI installer (created through WiX ) to delete an entire directory on uninstall. 6 Answers ...

What to put in a python module docstring? [closed]

...ngs; the module's own docstring should describe them very summarily (if at all) and rather concentrate on a concise summary of what the module as a whole can do for you, ideally with some doctested examples (just like functions and classes ideally should have doctested examples in their docstrings)....

Standard way to embed version into python package?

...is also used in lots of 3rd-party modules, so it's the quasi-standard. Usually, __version__ is a string, but sometimes it's also a float or tuple. Edit: as mentioned by S.Lott (Thank you!), PEP 8 says it explicitly: Module Level Dunder Names Module level "dunders" (i.e. names with two lea...

How can I get the version defined in setup.py (setuptools) in my package?

... Interrogate version string of already-installed distribution To retrieve the version from inside your package at runtime (what your question appears to actually be asking), you can use: import pkg_resources # part of setuptools version = pkg_resources.require("MyP...

How can I read SMS messages from the device programmatically in Android?

...ForResult(intent, 1); }else { List<Sms> lst = getAllSms(); } }else { List<Sms> lst = getAllSms(); } Set app as default SMS app @Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { if (requestCode == 1...

What is the difference between a mutable and immutable string in C#?

...pe To "effect a change" on a string represented as a C# String, you actually create a new String object. The original String is not changed ... because it is unchangeable. In most cases it is better to use String because it is easier reason about them; e.g. you don't need to consider the possib...

Check if a class has a member function of a given signature

...oid ReportMemUsage(const TMap& m, std::true_type) { // We may call used_memory() on m here. } template<typename TMap> void ReportMemUsage(const TMap&, std::false_type) { } template<typename TMap> void ReportMemUsage(const TMap& m) { ReportMemUsage(m, std:...

Scala: List[Future] to Future[List] disregarding failed futures

...ures to a Future of List. I'm using Playframework, so ultimately, what I really want is a Future[Result] , but to make things simpler, let's just say Future[List[Int]] The normal way to do this would be to use Future.sequence(...) but there's a twist... The list I'm given usually has around 10-...

How to use the pass statement?

... I really don't think this properly answers the question. Citing one possible use for something, even if it is the most common use for it, is not the same as explaining what it is for. – Schilcote ...

Should you always favor xrange() over range()?

... For performance, especially when you're iterating over a large range, xrange() is usually better. However, there are still a few cases why you might prefer range(): In python 3, range() does what xrange() used to do and xrange() does not exist. ...