大约有 44,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0463秒) [XML]


sed: print only matching group

...it with a 2nd grep. # To extract \1 from /xx([0-9]+)yy/ $ echo "aa678bb xx123yy xx4yy aa42 aa9bb" | grep -Eo 'xx[0-9]+yy' | grep -Eo '[0-9]+' 123 4 # To extract \1 from /a([0-9]+)b/ $ echo "aa678bb xx123yy xx4yy aa42 aa9bb" | grep -Eo 'a[0-9]+b' | grep -Eo '[0-9]+' 678 9 ...

Lua简明教程 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...行的字符串) 1 2 3 4 5 a = 'alo\n123"' a = "alo\n123\"" a = '\97lo\10\04923"' a = [[alo 123"]] C语言中的NULL在Lua中是nil,比如你访问一个没有声明过的变量,就是nil,比如下面的v的值就是nil ...

How to check a string for specific characters?

...s): print('Found') else print('Not found') ... or chars = set('0123456789$,') if any((c in chars) for c in s): print('Found') else: print('Not Found') [Edit: added the '$' in s answers] share | ...

AngularJS : Initialize service with asynchronous data

...vice wait for MyService to get initialized? – testing123 Apr 30 '13 at 13:07 2 ...

jQuery Scroll To bottom of the page

... answered Jul 10 '15 at 13:35 f123f123 36422 silver badges88 bronze badges ...

How to call a stored procedure from Java and JPA

...prepareCall("{call getEmployeeDetails(?, ?)}"); cstmt.setInt("employeeId", 123); cstmt.setInt("companyId", 456); ResultSet rs = cstmt.executeQuery(); Reference JDBC documentation: Java SE 6 share | ...

How can I create a UIColor from a hex string?

...anHexInt:&hexInt]; return hexInt; } Usage: NSString *hexStr1 = @"123ABC"; NSString *hexStr2 = @"#123ABC"; NSString *hexStr3 = @"0x123ABC"; UIColor *color1 = [self getUIColorObjectFromHexString:hexStr1 alpha:.9]; NSLog(@"UIColor: %@", color1); UIColor *color2 = [self getUIColorObjectFromH...

Round to at most 2 decimal places (only if necessary)

... If the value is a text type: parseFloat("123.456").toFixed(2); If the value is a number: var numb = 123.23454; numb = numb.toFixed(2); There is a downside that values like 1.5 will give "1.50" as the output. A fix suggested by @minitech: var numb = 1.5; numb = +nu...

Converting a Java Keystore into PEM Format

...asd Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: 1237334757 (0x49c03ae5) Signature Algorithm: dsaWithSHA1 Issuer: C=AU, ST=Victoria, L=Melbourne, CN=foo.example.com Validity Not Before: Mar 18 00:05:57 2009 GMT Not After : Jun...

How to show full object in Chrome console?

...null,4)); } // how to call it let obj = { a: 1, b: [2,3] }; print('hello',123,obj); will output in console: [ "hello", 123, { "a": 1, "b": [ 2, 3 ] } ] sha...